What We Do

Peggy Diggs, Oh No, installation view, October 20, 1982.
Since 1976, Franklin Furnace has awarded grants to early career artists.
Find out more about the history of the Franklin Furnace Fund, and its guidelines, requirements, and resources for artists.
Artists' Books

Delia Doherty, Princess Hollyhock, performance announcement mailer, December 18, 1986.
In 1993, the Franklin Furnace Artists’ Books Collection was acquired by the Museum of Modern Art, forming the Museum of Modern Art/Franklin Furnace/Artist Book Collection. Franklin Furnace maintains the third copy and continues to work with MOMA and grow our own collection.
Check out FF’s Artists’ Books and learn how to submit your own artists’ books.

Thalia Doukas, Ms. Miniature’s House, installation view, March 12, 1987.
These databases contain fundamental information about FF, including performance art works, temporary installations, exhibitions, and special events presented by Franklin Furnace.
Access the Event Archive, Moving Image Archive, Ree Morton Sketchbooks and FF Publications.

Poster for ABC to Z – Abecedaria & Dictionaries from Franklin Furnace’s Artist Book Collection – An exhibition by Franklin Furnace
This page contains exhibitions curated and organized by Franklin Furnace.
Access the most recent and older archives of exhibitions by Franklin Furnace.