Welcome to the

A digital performance venue connecting artists and audiences around the world.

About the Loft

Established in July 2020, The Franklin Furnace Digital Loft is a new virtual space designed to enable artists to present their work to the worldwide public, engage in conversation with and build our community, host panels and discussions, and undertake unforeseen new projects. The idea is to support artists during the changes wrought by COVID19 by enabling the continued presentation of live performances via new media.

The Franklin Furnace Digital Loft arose from the deeply felt need of Franklin Furnace artists to continue to put their voices out in the world and be heard. It also provides a new opportunity for our wide community to attend the events they love, experience new art, and engage with the creators. In June 2020, a handful of Franklin Furnace Fund 2020 recipients approached us to ask if they could respond to COVID shutdowns by changing from live in-person performances to online presentations. Ever-innovative, Franklin Furnace has morphed many times in order to provide for new and unforeseen circumstances and we are excited to continue our mission via this new platform. As media and methods continue to change, Franklin Furnace remains committed to staying ahead of the curve and the Digital Loft is out newest effort to continue making the world safe for avant-garde art.

The Franklin Furnace’s LOFT is made possible with funds from the NYSCA Electronic Media/Film in Partnership with Wave Farm: Media Arts Assistance Fund, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.