Goings On | 2/2/2005

Franklin Furnace’s Goings On
February 2, 2005

1. China Blue, FF Alumn, at Aine Museum, Tornio, Finland, Feb 3-April 3
2. Joshua Kinberg, FF Alumn, new video creation on the Internet, http://antnottv.org
3. Adrianne Wortzel, FF Alumn, lecture at SUNY Albany, NY, Feb 8
4. Coco Go, Doug Beube, FF Alumns, at Bard College, opening Feb 2
5. David Michalek, FF Alumn, at the Brooklyn Museum, Feb 5 7 pm
6. Ron Ehmke, FF Alumn, at Squeaky Wheel, Buffalo, NY, Feb 3-24
7. Anna Mosby Coleman, FF Alumn, Groundhog Day Project, Feb 2, East Village
8. Billy X. Curmano, FF Alumn, February events, from California to Georgia

1. China Blue, FF Alumn, at Aine Museum, Tornio, Finland, Feb 3-April 3

China Blue presents:
“Zen-Zag: a study in Shifting and changing experiences”
at the Aine Museum, Tornio, Finland
February 3-April 3, 2005

The interactive installation “Zen-Zag” is based on the classical Chinese bridge design that forms a zig-zag shape to cross a river. This bridge is designed in this way to illustrate the Buddhist idea that it is not the destination that is the goal of life but the path. What the viewer experiences in crossing this type of bridge is first that the effort to cross it is slowed down by the actual shape of the bridge and second, the experience of frequently changing views at every turn are experiences, thus establishes the idea of a constantly changing experiential path. The installation will be based on this bridge shape and Buddhist idea. It will be comprised of multiple platforms that are installed perpendicular to each other and will cover the expanse of the exhibition space. These 2′ x 4′ wide platforms will increase and decrease in height, creating a stair effect. Attendees will be encouraged to walk on the platforms and through the space. Installed in the space will be a sensor (over head) which will sense movement in the space. This will initiate a computer based program which will trigger audio. It is designed so that as the people move through the space more and more audio will be generated, thus they will create the resulting composition. Opening night will be an interactive performance.


2. Joshua Kinberg, FF Alumn, new video creation on the Internet, http://antnottv.org

ANT Public Beta Released at Vloggercon
Contact: info@AntNotTv.org
URL: http://AntNotTv.org

The first public beta version of ANT’s Not Television (ANT), an RSS video aggregator and viewer, was released at the first-ever videoblogger’s conference, Vloggercon (http://vloggercon.blogspot.com), in New York City on Saturday, January 22, 2005. ANT was produced by New Yorkers, Jay Dedman and Joshua Kinberg, and developed by Daniel Salber, a Mac OS X software designer and usability expert in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Dedman, a videoblog evangelist and community TV educator with Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN), says that he hopes ANT encourages more original video creations on the web. “ANT is like an open stage for digital filmmakers, video artists, citizen journalists and videobloggers producing online video journals, and anyone who simply wants to share their home movies with friends and family,” says Dedman. Though audio distribution through weblogs and RSS (Really Simple Syndication), known as “Podcasting,” has become popular in recent months, video distribution through the same methods is just beginning to emerge. Many media critics have noted that events such as the Tsunami in East Asia and Jon Stewart’s appearance on CNN’s “Crossfire” heralded a new era for online video distribution.”We’ve seen the democratization of media technology in recent years, but what was missing until now is the democratization of distribution,” says Kinberg. ANT Beta is available for Mac OS X 10.3 Panther. Please visit http://AntNotTv.org for more information and to download ANT Beta. ANT is freeware and its source code will be released under an open source license.


3. Adrianne Wortzel, FF Alumn, lecture at SUNY Albany, NY, Feb 8

Adrianne Wortzel, FF Alumn, presents a lecture, “Artificial Strife: Differentiation and Otherness in Robotic Entities,” by Adrianne Wortzel, new media artist working with robotic and telerobotic theatrical scenarios in both physical and virtual networked environments. Held in conjunction with the University at Albany Libraries Frankenstein Semester. Art and Culture Talks – Spring 2005 Program, Marjorie L. and Ronald E. Brandon Art and Culture Talks Tuesday, February 8 7:00 p.m. University Art Museum, University at Albany, State University of New York, info at http://www.albany.edu/museum/currentprograms.htm


4. Coco Go, Doug Beube, FF Alumns, at Bard College, opening Feb 2

Coco Go News:
my 2 books:
Things We pay For
I Libri Aperti ( The___Reader)
in this show
What the Book?
Flux Factory¹s recent Fall ’04 show entitled, “What the Book?” is being given the great privilege of traveling to Bard College. This collection of artists’ books will be displayed in the Fisher Arts Center as an installation that aims to challenge mass production and the mundanity of the every day coffee table book. The exhibition space will be transformed from a gallery into an interactive domestic lounge. The personal hand craftsmanship of the book and the many less conventional mediums/forms that it can take will be explored. The ambition of this show is to examine the idea of the book as sculptural object, narrative, and metaphor.

Artists in this exhibition will include Woojung Ahn, BB & PINC, Doug Beube, FF Alumn, Kyle Bravo, Margot Casstevens, Mariwyn Curtin, Andrea Dezso, Kerry Downey, Sharon Gilbert, Coco Gordon, Robbie Guertin, Mary Hambleton, Denise Hawrysio, Alex Holden, Shane Ingersoll, Aya Kakeda, Stacey Kirby, Yunmee Kyong, Marisol Limon Martinez, Sheila Manion Artz, John Meagher, Sean McElroy, Yuki Maruyama, Leah Oates, Eliana Perez, Maddalena Polletta, Claire Rau, Fred Rinne, Maddy Rosenberg, Jessica Rosenkranz, Samara Sussman, Robert The, Marshall Weber, Elena Wen, Christopher Wilde, Scott Williams, Tammy Wofsey, Lisa Young,and Liz Zanis.

OPENING: Wednesday, February 2, 6-9 pm
February 2 26; Gallery Hours: Mon-Thurs 10-4, Sat 12-4 Fisher Arts Center, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504
For directions and info. please visit www.fluxfactory.org
Kerry Downey, Curator


5. David Michalek, FF Alumn, at the Brooklyn Museum, Feb 5 7 pm

David Michalek, FF Alumn discusses his exhibiton “14 Stations” at the Brooklyn Museum on Saturday Feb. 5 at 7 pm. www.brooklynmuseum.org


6. Ron Ehmke, FF Alumn, at Squeaky Wheel, Buffalo, NY, Feb 3-24

Instant Karma: Weekly Performance & Jam Session
At Squeaky Wheel/Buffalo Media Resource Center
175 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY, (716)884-7172
Instructor: Ron Ehmke
Individual classes: $6 members / $8 non-members
Entire series: $20 members / $28 non-members
Jam sessions beginning at 8:30 PM: Free & open to observers
Thursdays: February 3, 10, 17, 24; 7-9:30 PM

Whether you want to get your feet wet in live performance or hone some lifelong skills, “Instant Karma” is for you: a bold experiment in instantaneous collaboration. Each week we’ll do a warmup and explore one or two simple elements (including movement, storytelling, working with props, lighting, costumes, incorporating media in live performance, audience dynamics and others) — with a different focus every week. Then at 8:30 we’ll collectively create a half-hour improvisation/jam session before a live audience. Come one night, or the whole month. (You must attend the workshop to perform in that evening’s jam session.) It’ll be fast, it’ll be fun and it’ll change your entire life–or at least three hours of your evening.

For more info on Squeaky Wheel and all its workshops, see:


7. Anna Mosby Coleman, FF Alumn, Groundhog Day Project, Feb 2, East Village

Groundhog Day Feb. 2, 2005:
Continuing her acts of concrete poetry excursions, Anna Mosby Coleman, FF Alumn, will be handing out her g-hoggerel (concrete doggerel) to fellow pedestrians as she walks around the East Village on in Groundhog Day 02-02-05. For at least 2 auspicious moments she will pass 2nd Avenue and East 2nd Street. The duration of the walk will be approximately 20:05 (20 minutes and 05 seconds).


8. Billy X. Curmano, FF Alumn, February events, from California to Georgia

Billy X. Curmano will be performing at Abuelita’s, 137 S. Topanga Canyon Blvd, CA on February 4th at 10 p.m.

Live show with ocean harp, mbira, harmonica, spoken word and – odds and ends. Projected video from life changing journey’s like his 2,367.4 mile Mississippi River swim as performance and environmental statement. His 40 day fast in Death Valley, 3 day live burial and always popular – direct from the middle west – performances for cows.

He continues the tour with another Eco-friendly work “Greetings from the Mississippi to the Chattahoochie” in Atlanta Feb. 17.

Performance and EcoArt Workshop for the College Art Association Annual Conference, Feb. 17, 2:30-5:30 p.m., Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel, Room C, International Level. – You need to pick up a session pass.

Videoclips Feb. 18, 7-9 p.m. Arts Exchange, Atlanta Hilton Hotel,
Galleria Hall – Free & Open to the public.



Goings On are compiled weekly by Harley Spiller

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to visit ‘This Month’s World Wide Events’.
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Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.
80 Arts – The James E. Davis Arts Building
80 Hanson Place #301
Brooklyn NY 11217-1506 U.S.A.
Tel: 718-398-7255
Fax: 718-398-7256

Martha Wilson, Founding Director
Michael Katchen, Senior Archivist
Harley Spiller, Administrator
Dolores Zorreguieta, Program Coordinator