Goings On | 2/13/2006

Franklin Furnace’s Goings On
February 13, 2006

1. Joan HugoIn Memoriam
2. Larry List, FF Alumn, at Anthology Film Archives, Feb. 18-19
3. Steed Taylor, FF Alumn, at Florida State University, Feb. 16 – Mar. 26
4. Vernita Nemec, FF Alumn, at Tribeca Performing Arts Center, Feb. 22
5. Mira Schor, FF Member, at SVA, Feb. 14, 7 pm, and more.
6. Miriam Schapiro, FF Alumn, at Centre Pompidou, Paris, opens Mar. 7, and more.
7. Galinsky, FF Alumn, at ABC Film and Video, NY, TONITE
8. Susana Cook, FF Alumn, at Univ. of Texas, Austin, Feb. 16, 6 pm
9. Raul Zamudio, FF Alumn, at Cuchifritos, thru Mar. 11, 2006
10. Deborah Garwood, FF Alumn, in Gay City News
11. Diane Torr, FF Alumn, awarded residency at Khoj Arts, New Delhi
12. Alexander Viscio, FF Alumn, announces “Satellites, Outposts and a Ridiculous Leap of Faith”

1. Joan Hugo, In Memoriam

The Office of the Provost of CalArts is sad to announce the passing of Joan Hugo, who served as Assistant to the Provost from 1990 until 2001. During her tenure at CalArts, Joan was a tireless advocate for student and faculty issues; an ardent historian and archivist (as evidenced by the Disney display off of the CalArts lobby); and an active and supportive participant of CAP and ICAP.

In addition to her job at CalArts, Joan maintained an active arts career as a prominent art critic, curator and editor. She had a long and distingued career as Southern California Coordinating Editor for *Artweek* and published in journals ranging from *Art Issues* to *High Performance* to *Visions*.  She was a founding Board Member at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE); the Library Director and a faculty member at the Otis Art Institute; the author of dozens of art catalogue essays; a moderator of and participant on many arts panels; a sought-after translator of french arts scholarship and writings; and the curator of the internationally renowned exhibition *Artwords and Bookworks*, sponsored by the Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art.

Joan embodied the spirit and integrity of CalArts: she dedicated her life to the support and encouragement of innovative artists; she melded arts practice with academic inquiry; and she was a trusted friend, colleague and peer. We will miss her.

A memorial will be announced at a later date.


2. Larry List, FF Alumn, at Anthology Film Archives, Feb. 18-19

Chess & Surrealism / Music & Movies

Anthology Film Archives, 32 Second Avenue, Manhattan Saturday and Sunday, February 18 & 19, 2006

In conjunction with The Noguchi Museum exhibition, Margaret Leng Tan, pianist and foremost interpreter of the works of John Cage, will perform world premieres of Chess Pieces, a painting and musical composition by John Cage, and Chess Serenade, a drawing and musical composition by Vittorio Rieti both made specifically for the original Imagery of Chess exhibition. Ms. Tan will then provide piano accompaniment for a selection of other rare chess-themed Surrealist films with scores by John Cage, Erik Satie and others. This event will be hosted by Anthology Film Archives. For complete program information call 212-505-5181 or visit mode@moderecords.com.


3. Steed Taylor, FF Alumn, at Florida State University, Feb. 16 – Mar. 26

I am in a show “ High Roads & Low Roads” at the Museum of Fine Art at Florida State University in Tallahassee from 2/17 – 3/26. I am giving a lecture about my work on 2/16 at 7:00PM and am making a Road Tattoo for the museum as well. I will be crazy busy next week so wish me luck. If you happen to be in the area, please check out the show and my Road Tattoo. Take care.

Steed Taylor


4. Vernita Nemec, FF Alumn, at Tribeca Performing Arts Center, Feb. 22

This program with Jennifer McGregor is part of a series of dialogues that Vernita Nemec, FF Alumn, is organizing at Tribeca Performing Arts Center. It should be great and hope you can come– Feb 22 at 7pm, see attachment. Susan Fleminger Dialogues in the Visual Arts III February 22 @ 7pm
The Hudson River as Source

A Discussion with Visual Artists Margaret Cogswell, Stacy Levy and Brandon Ballengee.

Presentation curated and moderated by Jennifer McGregor of Wave Hill

Series curated by Susan Fleminger of Abrons Arts Center

The Hudson River figures largely into the history of American Art, and continues to enthrall artists who approach it in radically different ways than their forebearers. In this dialogue, Wave Hill’s Curator Jennifer McGregor speaks with three artists, Brandon Ballengee, Margaret Cogswell and Stacy Levy, who have explored the Hudson River and seek to connect it to the public by revealing its ecology, history and monumentality. The discussion and slide show will be followed by an informal wine and cheese reception.


5. Mira Schor, FF Member, at SVA, Feb. 14, 7 pm, and more

The perfect way to Celebrate Valentine’s Day
Mira Schor: The Art of Nonconformist Criticality: A Candlelight Talk
Tuesday, February 14, 7pm
School of Visual Arts
209 East 23rd Street, 3rd floor
Free and open to the public. Chocolates will be served

The MFA Art Criticism and Writing Department presents a special Valentine’s Day lecture: The Art of Nonconformist Criticality, a candlelight talk by the New York-based painter and writer Mira Schor. This is the second installment of The Critics Series, a new program of lectures by pre-eminent thinkers and writers in the visual arts.

Schor is the author of Wet: On Painting, Feminism, and Art Culture, an influential collection of essays challenging the male establishment in art criticism. . She is also co-editor of M/E/A/N/I/N/G: An Anthology of Artists’ Writings, Theory, and Criticism, featuring highlights from the maverick magazine she co-founded with Susan Bee in 1986. Schor has exhibited her work at P.S.1, Marianne Boesky Gallery, the Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art and the Neuberger Museum of Art. She teaches in the MFA Art Criticism and Writing Department at SVA and the MFA Program of the Fine Arts Department at Parsons The New School for Design.

NEW on
M/E /A/N /I/N /G Online

Mira Schor, “She Demon Spawn from Hell” & “The ism that dare not speak its name”
Daryl Chin, Letter to the Editors

“At times the debates over feminism and feminist art takes on the characteristics of daytime soap opera, complete with contested inheritances, angry aging divas, and beautiful young women suffering from the convenient onset of amnesia.” — from “She Demon …”

“She Demon Spawn from Hell,” an introduction to the M/E/A/N/I/N/G Online republication of “The ism that dare not speak its name,” originally published in Documents No. 15 (Spring/summer 1999) is occasioned by performance artist Tamy Ben-Tor’s anti-feminist performance on January 7 at the panel “’Feminisms‚’” in Four Generations” moderated by Roberta Smith, with panelists Ben-Tor, Collier Schorr, Barbara Kruger, and Joan Snyder, held at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City as part of the 5th Annual
New York Times Arts and Leisure Weekend.

& the relaunch of our two digital editions

#1 Is Resistance Futile? (2002)
Including statements and images by David Humphrey, Lucio Pozzi, Aneta Szylak, Susan Bee, and Mira Schor
#2 Collaborations (2003)
Including Kenny Goldsmith & David Wondrich, Jane Hammond & Raphael Rubinstein, Mimi Gross & Douglas Dunn, Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese, Charles Bernstein & Susan Bee, Faith Wilding & subRosa, Matthew Lusk & Rachel Owens, and also statements by Michael Mazur on “Collaborator!” and Brett Littman on “Collaborations”.

Mira Schor & Susan Bee
M/E /A/N /I/N /G Online
A PEPC Production


6. Miriam Schapiro, FF Alumn, at Centre Pompidou, Paris, opens Mar. 7, and more

” L.A. – Paris: 1955 – 1985″, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, opens March 7, 2006.

“Miriam Schapiro: Dancers, Dolls, etc.”1976 – 2006”
Flomenhaft Gallery , New York , March 30 – May 20, 2006.

“How American Women Artists Invented Postmodernism: 1970 – 1975” Rutgers University, traveling to The Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, NJ, July – September 2006, The Stedman Gallery, Rutgers – Camden, Camden, NJ, October – November 2006.


7. Galinsky, FF Alumn, at ABC Film & Video, NY, TONITE, 6-8 pm

Galinsky shows short films Monday February 13, 6pm at ABC Film and Video

“Monday Night Freebies” Short Film and Music Video Screening by Galinsky, L. Gabrielle Penabaz and Peter Shapiro with a world premiere of Willem DaFoe reading T.S. Eliot and a short featuring Quentin Crisp’s last film appearance

This Monday February 13th from 6pm-8pm, at ABC Film and Video http://www.abcfilmvideo.com
303 5th Ave (10th floor, at 31st Street), New York, NY 10016, TEL 212-686-3490

About The Artists: Galinsky is the co-creator and co-producer of “The Manhattan Monologue Slam” bi-coastal theatre event and is an associate producer of “True Crime Real Punishment”, a reality TV show in production with Bighouse TV. Tonight’s work features collaborations with video artist Peter Shapiro, sound designer Thomas Linder, film maker Thomas Moore and superlative actor Willem DaFoe and icon Quentin Crisp. More about Galinsky at http://www.galinskyplace.com.

L. Gabrielle Penabaz resides in the Lower East Side of Manhattan because she is lucky and the gods continue to will it. In gratitude, she instigates a variety of livelihoods that dance around the clutches of corporations like a soap-opera gang member waiting for his turn to pounce. This means she can be a performance artist, singer/songwriter (St. Eve), underground party hostess (T.H.o.S.E.), writer, VJ and filmmaker for herself and for others, incorporating travel whenever possible.  She was a story producer for the upcoming (Feb 14) VH1 show, “Can’t Get a Date,” and is now producing fashion lifestyle segments for Playgirl TV. Gabrielle has just returned from a completely gratuitous trip to Iceland. More info at http://www.thesainteve.com


8. Susana Cook, FF Alumn, at Univ. of Texas, Austin, Feb. 16, 6 pm

Susana Cook will be performing excerpts from The Values Horror Show in the third annual activist scholarship conference titled, Abriendo Brecha III: Activist Scholarship Conference on Crisis, Politics and Performance in the Americas, to be held February 16-18, 2006, in the San Jacinto Conference Facility at the University of Texas at Austin. Susana’s performance will be on Thursday, February 16, at 6 p.m. For information: http://www.utexas.edu/depts/cmas or http://www.susanacook.com


9. Raul Zamudio, FF Alumn, at Cuchifritos, thru Mar. 11, 2006

Animal Magnetism

Oreet Ashery
Karlos Carcamo
Andrea Frank
Scott Lifshutz
Douglas Kelley
Emma McCagg
Paul Mullins
Dan Perrone
Liselot Van der Heijden

Curated by Raúl Zamudio

through March 11, 2006
Open daily, Monday through Saturday 12:00 noon to 5:30pm

For more information visit www.aai-nyc.org/cuchifritos or contact: Raúl Zamudio at raulzamudio@hotmail.com

Animal magnetism, which has also been called mesmerism, was based on the therapeutic value of hypnotism. The term first appears in Franz Anton Mesmer’s 1874 dissertation in regards to the influence of heavenly bodies on humans and their physical, mental and emotional health by means of what he called “animal gravity.” This “energy” that he detected was different from physical magnetism in that Mesmer believed that he could “magnetize” paper, glass, dogs and all manner of animate and inanimate objects and substances. He regarded this force, which he said could be exerted by one living organism over another, as a means of alleviating disease. His propositions were as follows: “There exists a mutual influence between the celestial bodies, the earth, and animated things. Animal bodies are susceptible to the influence of this agent, disseminating itself through the substance of the nerves.” In the contemporary lexicon, animal magnetism also refers to sexuality in that a person can have such seductive qualities that he/she can bring out the carnal nature of a person via their animal magnetism.

Animal Magnetism explores these topics as well as the zoomorphic dimension of humans and the anthropomorphizing of animals.

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, and through generous grants from the following: The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, LMCC’s Fund For Creative Communities/NYSCA, The New York City Economic Development Corporation, The Puffin Foundation, the Elizabeth Firestone Graham Foundation, The Greenwall Foundation, and the members of the Artists Alliance Incorporated.


10. Deborah Garwood, FF Alumn, in Gay City News

Greetings! Please follow the link below to read the review. Deborah Garwood, FF Alumn GAY CITY NEWS Volume 5, Number 6 | February 9 – 15, 2006 http://www.gaycitynews.com/gcn_506/ajoyfulreturntocolor.html \A Joyful Return to Color Barbara Schwartz’s expressions of faith in the power of art Andre Zarre Gallery\ 529 W. 20th St., 7th Fl. Tue.-Sat.12-7 p.m. Through Feb. 25 212-255-0202


11. Diane Torr, FF Alumn, awarded residency at Khoj Arts, New Delhi

Diane Torr, FF Alumn, has been awarded a performance residency at Khoj Arts, New Delhi, from February 19-March 31. For more info:www.khojworkshop.org


12. Alexander Viscio, FF Alumn, announces “Satellites, Outposts and a Ridiculous Leap of Faith”

6 dome tents, 75 bales of straw, 450 light bulbs, dvds, a compass, a sequined body suite, migrating ravens, fellatio, a chicken, nosey neighbors, a rope, a book, beer, Satellites, Outposts and a Ridiculous leap of faith!

“SATELLITES, OUTPOSTS and a Ridiculous Leap of Faith”, is a collaborative Installation/Performance by Alexander Viscio, (recipient of the Franklin Furnace Fund for Performance Art 2002-2003 in New York City), and Bettina Schülke an Austrian Artist. The project is based on the idea of the Artificial Body and the symbolic protective mechanisms developed for digital applications. The work will travel on to LUME, ( Institute of Art and Architectural Design), in Helsinki in August later this year before reaching New York in early 2007.


Goings On is compiled weekly by Harley Spiller


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to visit ‘This Month’s World Wide Events’.
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Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.
80 Arts – The James E. Davis Arts Building
80 Hanson Place #301
Brooklyn NY 11217-1506 U.S.A.
Tel: 718-398-7255
Fax: 718-398-7256

Martha Wilson, Founding Director
Michael Katchen, Senior Archivist
Harley Spiller, Administrator
Dolores Zorreguieta, Program Coordinator