Goings On | 11/16/2005

Franklin Furnace’s Goings On
November 7, 2005

1. Dominic McGill, FF Alumn, at New York Academy of Sciences. November 4, 2005 – January 13, 2006
2. Lucy Sexton, FF Alumn at The Pioneer Movie Theater. Sunday November 13, 2005
3. Mark Fox, FF Alumn, at Larissa Goldston Gallery. November 17 – December 22
4. Laura Parnes, FF Alumn, at Ocularis at Galapagos Art Space. November 14 at 8 PM
5. Rev. Billy, FF Alumn at St. Marks Church. Sunday November 27
6. Alan Calpe, at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, November 11 2005, 7pm
7. Julia Mandle, FF Alumn at Amherst College, Parsons School of Design, and WPS1
Radio. November 7, 10, 11, 2005.
8. Vernita Nemec aka N’Cognita, FF Alumn, at Gallery Merz, November 5 – December 31, 2005
9. Deb Margolin, FF Alumn, at the Julia Miles Theater, November 8 at 5 pm
10. Sebastiaan Schlicher at Museum MAN Liverpool, November 12 – November 25
11. Dolores Zorreguieta, FF Alumn, opens solo show at the Cobra Museum for Modern Art, Amstelveen, The Netherlands, November 26, 2005

1. Dominic McGill, FF Alumn, at New York Academy of Sciences. November 4, 2005 – January 13, 2006 Silent Spring @ New York Academy of Sciences

Art & Ecology Since ‘Silent Spring’
curated by Nick Debs

November 4, 2005  – January 13, 2006
opening reception:Friday, Nov 4, 6-8pm

New York Academy of Sciences
2 East 63rd Street
New York, NY 10021

participating artists:
Joy Episalla – Joy Garnett – Tom Hawkins – Dominic McGill – John McLachlin – Jason Middlebrook – Frank Moore – Catherine Murphy – Bruce Nauman – Gary Ponzo – Amy Jean Porter – Alexis Rockman – David Wojnarowicz – Carrie Yamaoka
from the press release :
If Rachel Carson were alive today, she would probably be pleased about the heightened public awareness of the environment and some of the protective legislation passed since she wrote Silent Spring.  She would likely be much less satisfied with the ongoing battle between those who wish to preserve our natural environment and those whose efforts continue to contribute to its deterioration and destruction.

And just as Carson brought an investigative scientific eye to the problems of pesticides that she described in her groundbreaking book, an exhibition opening November 4 at the New York Academy of Sciences likewise casts a probing artistic look at some of the most critical environmental issues facing the world today.  The exhibition, The Obligation to Endure: Art & Ecology Since Silent Spring, reflects one of Carson’s favorite maxims by the French biologist Jean Rostand : “The obligation to endure gives us the right to know.” [read on]

dominic mcgill
31 wasington st #5
Brooklyn NY11201
718 237 1751
718 809 2992


2. Lucy Sexton, FF Alumn at The Pioneer Movie Theater. Sunday November 13, 2005.

Lori E. Seid and Lucy Sexton, in association with ,Gigi Madl and Rayya Elias invite you to screen :

Sunday November 13, 2005 5pm
The Pioneer Movie Theater
155 E. 3rd Street @ Ave A

reception to follow at Mo Pitkin’s (Mo Pitkin’s: 34 Ave A between 3rd and 4th Street)


The Lunchroom a 6 minute short written and directed by: Rayya Elias produced by Lori E. Seid and Lucy Sexton

executive produced by Gigi Madl Tya, a 9 year old girl from Syria, gets her first lesson of what it’s like to be a foreigner in Warren Michigan, 1969. In The Lunchroom, we look at the abandoment of one’s culture and one’s self.

Please come help us pay some bills and lift a glass to celebrate

PS If you can’t come but feel moved to donate to the film, checks can go to
Atlas Films NY at my address: 675 Hudson St. 5s, NY NY 10014. thanks thanks

PPS. for all you Lucy Show victims: the Factress and Vendetta and Navajo
Woman Trickster are threatening to return for a holiday Lucy Show in early
December. You’ve been warned.


3. Mark Fox, FF Alumn, at Larissa Goldston Gallery. November 17 – December 22.

Mark Fox, solo exhibition of new work at Larissa Goldston Gallery.

The show opens on the 17th of November and runs through December 22nd.
Please come to the opening on Thursday, November 17 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

Larissa Goldston Gallery is located at 530 W. 25th Street (3rd Floor).

Hope to see you there,

Mark Fox


4. Laura Parnes, FF Alumn, at Ocularis at Galapagos Art Space. November 14 at 8 PM

Blood and Guts in Progress: Laura Parnes at Ocularis (November 14) Ocularis at Galapagos Art Space 70 North 6th Street , Brooklyn, NY 11211

Contact Thomas Beard for further information ::

thomas@ocularis.net 646.420.0359


Blood and Guts in Progress Monday, November 14 at 8 PM
Ocularis is pleased to present a single channel preview of Laura Parnes’

current work-in-progress, BLOOD AND GUTS IN HIGH SCHOOL, to be shown with her earlier THE REAL ART WORLD.

BLOOD AND GUTS IN HIGH SCHOOL are a series of videos (in progress) that re-imagine the Kathy Acker book of the same title. The book was written from 1978-1982 during the rise of Reagan republicanism and the emergence of punk rock. Each video presents a typical scene in the life of Janie bracketed by US news events from the time period in which the book was written. These events undulate through the characters daily experience, informing her adolescent, nihilistic worldview and her desire for rebellion. As the viewer looks back at these pivotal historical events (Jonestown Massacre, Moral Majority, Three Mile Island, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, etc.) connections are drawn in relation to our current political situation.

The REAL ART WORLD EPISODES are a humorous exploration of the power dynamics of the studio visit. Before a work of art is chosen for exhibition, gallerists or curators visit the artist’s studio to see the work in person.

Like a confidence game or a first date, the artist must convince the visitor of the value of their work. Wrought with miscommunication, ego clashes, and raunchy and absurd dialogue, this series of videos draws attention to the subjective nature of cultural hierarchies.

Ticket Price – $6

About Laura Parnes
Laura Parnes is a Brooklyn based multi-media installation artist and maker of experimental video/films. She has screened and exhibited her work widely in the US and internationally, including the Museo Nacional Centro De Arte Reina Sofia, the Whitney Museum of American Art, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, the Institute for Contemporary Art/P.S. 1 Museum, Museo de Arte Contemporao Galizia, Miami Museum of Contemporary Art, Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art, the Brooklyn Museum, and on PBS and Spanish Television. Her work has been featured in solo shows at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, Participant Inc., Deitch Projects and in a two person screening at The Museum of Modern Art. Parnes received her B.F.A. from Tyler School of Art in 1990. She is a faculty member at Bennington College, and was the New York founder, along with Eric Heist, of Momenta Art, an alternative space in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

About Ocularis Ocularis is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization that provides a forum for the exhibition of independent, experimental and documentary film/video and new media, as well as international and repertory cinema. Ocularis was established in 1996 as a rooftop film series catering to local audiences in North Brooklyn . Since then, Ocularis has evolved into a weekly cinema, a producer of collaborative film/video work and a summer open-air screening series.

Ocularis screens weekly at Galapagos Art and Performance Space

70 North 6th Street
Brooklyn , NY 11211


tel/fax: 718.388.8713

Thomas Beard

Program Director

Ocularis at Galapagos Art Space
70 North 6th Street
Brooklyn , NY 11211



5. Rev. Billy, FF Alumn at St. Marks Church. Sunday November 27

Rev. Billy of the Church of Stop Shopping will conduct a BABIES AGAINST BIG BUSINESS mass baptism on November 27th to protect all our wonderful children from the evils of the baby idustry. You are all invited to participate, witness nd enjoy the spectacle.

Please spread the word.

Date: Sunday Nov. 27 Time: 7pm
Place: St. Marks Church, 2nd ave & 10th st., East Village


6. Alan Calpe, at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, November 11 2005 7pm

Alan Calpe, who received a grant as part of The Cloud Seeding Circus of the Performative Objective from FF in 2000-01, presents work in “Voiceovers and Guest Starts” at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, November 11 2005

“Voiceovers and Guest Stars” looks at how the voice-over and the guest-appearance disrupt continuity and shape meaning In acting and film, a “voice over” automatically questions: 1) Who is talking? 2) What is the story with this talking? and 3) Who is this character? Likewise, the guest star, or unexpected celebrity appearance also interferes with what might seem to be a normal sequencing of events. In tandem with these notions and concepts, LACE has organized an event that will unpack these disruptions, with humor, insight and most likely some unease, from Alan Calpe’s and Lucas Michael’s exploration of drag icons (Linda Ronstadt and Liza Minelli), to Terry Chatkupt’s documentary of  his Thai parents relocation to a small town in Missouri, and then on to Michael’s Wilson’s insertion of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh into Star War’s Death Star, via video game manipulation.

The program is as follows:
Lucas Michael : LM², 2002
Jeannie Simms :  1974 in California, 2005
Martin Kersels: Attempt To Raise The Temperature Of A Container Of Water By Yelling At It, 1996
Sterling Ruby :  Landscape Annihilates Consciousness, 2004
Michael Wilson : INVICTUS, 2005
Terry Chatkupt : Home Grown Folks, 2001
Julie Lequin :  Speech Lesson, 2005
Alan Calpe :  Perfidia, 2005

Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions
6522 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028
323 957 1777 www.artleak.org


7. Julia Mandle, FF Alumn at Amherst College, Parsons School of Design, and WPS1 Radio. November 7, 10, 11, 2005.

Monday November 7, 2005 at 4:30p Amherst College, Pruyne Audiotirum “Performing the City” Lecture

Julia Mandle will speak and lead a discussion on how performance art can lead us toward understanding cities and our relationship to the environment, built and otherwise. In an illustrated presentation, she will discuss her company’s intellectual and performative philosophy and explain some of her creations, including the well-known KALCH, which drew a street-side audience of 5,000 when it was performed in Lower Manhattan. Her visit is part of the “President’s Initiative on the Urban Imagination”, and is integral to the college’s continuing effort to bring an urban-studies concentration to the curriculum.

Thursday November 10, 2005 from 2:00-4:00pm, WPS1, Radio Network of PS1. “Odd Lots Exhibition”

Artists Julia Mandle, Mierle Ukeles, and Jane South will discuss the recent exhibition at White Columns and Queens Museum with the curators and Cabinet magazine editors Jeffrey Kastner, Sina Najaf, Frances Richard plus Queens Museum Executive Director Tom Finkelpearl and PS1 Deputy Director Brett Littman.

Friday November 11, 2005 from 1:00-2:00pm. Parsons School of Design, “Apparel and Identity in the City”

Panelists Julia Mandle, Maggie Norris, and moderator Gwynne Keathly will discuss the interpretation of fashion typologies and how they affect the urban environment of New York, defining and addressing unique identities or
subcultures within the city.  The purpose of the panel discussion is to explore the perspective of a cross section of careers and professionals in the art and design community whose work has touched upon the subject of fashion and the concept of identity within the city.

For more information, please visit www.jmandleperformance.org


8. Vernita Nemec aka N’Cognita, FF Alumn, at Gallery Merz, November 5 – December 31, 2005

“Art from Detritus: Selected Works”
Gallery Merz 95 Main St
Sag Harbor NY 11963-0118
PH 631 525 2803
Nov 5 – Dec 31, 2005
opening reception Nov 5, 5-7pm
More Art from Trash & Saving the Planet with Art!



9. Deb Margolin, FF Alumn, at the Julia Miles Theater, November 8 at 5 pm.

Women’s Project presents the most thought-provoking, laugh-inducing, tear-jerking plays in New York City during its annual festival of new works. All readings are free of charge. After the reading, you’ll find more free stuff in the lobby of the Julia Miles Theater: drinks, nosh, and schmooze with the artists and Women’s Project team. Call 212.765.2105 or email info@womensproject.org to make a reservation.

Tuesday, November 8th at 5:00 p.m.
Take a Sneak Peek at two Works-in-Progress,
directed by Suzanne Agins

BECHNYA by Saviana Stanescu
East meets West in this darkly comic sequence of contemporary fairytales.

THE RICH SILK OF IT by Deb Margolin
A tribute to Lyric Benson from the winner of this year’s coveted Kesselring Prize.

All events take place at the Julia Miles Theater, 424 West 55th Street (between 9th & 10th Avenues).

Contact Telecharge.com at 212.239.6200


10. Sebastiaan Schlicher at Museum MAN Liverpool, November 12 – November 25

Museum MAN Liverpool presents: The end is Far – new works on paper by Sebastiaan Schlicher. “Sebastiaan Schlicher has a dark imagination. So weird and absorbing are the recesses of his mind that he decided to create a cult in his own name. Sebastiaan makes evil drawings that look like the scratchy output of an eight year-old boy with the knowing brilliance of an adult. Full of dense colour and brimming in character, he draws strange doctors, heavy metallers, green-faced monsters, and warped versions of characters in Manga films. They fuse the San Fran handmade aesthetic of Chris Johanson with a touch of Hundertwasser’s colour and insanity. Using the simplicity of felt tips and pens, his work is violent but often funny. Cue slogans like ‘Work harder – Kill for Satan’. A cult worth joining.” 

 -Francesca Gavin, Marmalade Magazine, August ’05

Opening party: Saturday November 12th, doors open at 7pm, hot dog party while hot dog stock lasts

The show will be up from sat 12th – fri 25th of November

Museum MAN
Top Floor
48 Rodney Street
Liverpool L9 1AA

More info: www.cultofsebastiaan.com and www.museumman.org 

Sebastiaan’s drawings also feature in: Music, or; The Artists, or; You Can’t Curate Music, You Have To Adore It! 17th November – 18th December, De Veemvloer, Amsterdam www.veemvloer.nl



11. Dolores Zorreguieta, FF Alumn, opens solo show at the Cobra Museum for Modern Art, Amstelveen, The Netherlands, November 26, 2005.

Dolores Zorreguieta
November 26, 2005 to February 26, 2006

Cobra Museum for Modern Art

Sandbergplein 1
Amstelveen NL
1181 ZX (Postbox 2028 1180 EA)
T +31 (0)20 5475050
F +31 (0)20 5475025


The Cobra Museum for Modern Art in Amstelveen is presenting the first European solo exhibition of Dolores Zorreguieta (Buenos Aires, 1965). The work of this New York artist is of an overwhelming visual force. The exhibition ‘Love/Romance’ consists of a broad variety of techniques including video, installations and drawings. Several works have been specially created by the artist with a view to the presentation in the Cobra Museum.

The introduction of the artist to the Netherlands is underpinned by an accompanying catalogue published by Waanders Uitgevers (written by the well-known filmmaker, art critic and curator Alberto Giudici and Martha Wilson, founder of the acclaimed New York Franklin Furnace). The publication also includes a dvd giving a detailed portrait of the artist. Filming for the dvd took place in the run up to the exhibition and shows Zorreguieta in her studio working on several projects. The AVRO is transmitting the documentary at the start of the exhibition in the program ‘Weeldekwartier’.


Goings On is compiled this week by Ella Bjelm

Click http://www.franklinfurnace.org/goings_on.html
to visit ‘This Month’s World Wide Events’.
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for information
send an email to info@franklinfurnace.org
Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.
80 Arts – The James E. Davis Arts Building
80 Hanson Place #301
Brooklyn NY 11217-1506 U.S.A.
Tel: 718-398-7255
Fax: 718-398-7256

Martha Wilson, Founding Director
Michael Katchen, Senior Archivist
Harley Spiller, Administrator
Dolores Zorreguieta, Program Coordinator