Goings On | 1/23/2003

Franklin Furnace’s Goings On
January 23, 2003

1. Jacquelyn Schiffman, FF Alumn, at Figureworks, Jan 31-Mar. 2nd, 2003
2. Oscar McLennan, FF Alumn, at P.S. 122, March 6-9, 2003
3. Aaron Landsman, FF Alumn, January 23rd at LOW, Brooklyn
4. Nurit Newman, FF Alumn, exhibits at Hobart College in 2003.
5. Ken Butler, FF Alumn, Jan 26 at the Puffin Room; Jan 28th at the Knitting Factory.
6. Earth Celebration January 25, 2003 seeks volunteers.
7. RENO, FF Alumn, with Joan Baez, February 7, 2003, Castro Theatre, San Francisco.
8. Hannah Higgins, FF Alumn, Fluxus book launch party at Printed Matter, Feb 20, 2003.
9. Tribute to Charles Henri Ford, FF Alumn, with Penny Arcade, Lynne Tillman, Steven Watson, FF Alumns, February 8, 4 PM at St. Mark’s Church
10. Doug Beube, FF Alumn, at Limn Gallery, San Francisco, thru March 7, 2003
11. Anna Mosby Coleman, FF Alumn, curates video exhibit, part two, Jan 22-Feb 16.
12. Barbara Pollack, FF Alumn, essayist for new Lynch Gallery show, opens Feb 6.
13. Clifford Owens, FF Alumn, at Studio Museum in Harlem and at Stony Brook Univ.
14. Carolee Schneemann, FF Alumn, DIA Center video screening/book signing Feb. 14.
15. Kriota Wilberg, FF Alumn, late January 2003 events.
16. Ligorano/Reese, FF Alumns, at Rotunda Gallery, opening January 30, 6-8 pm

1. Jacquelyn Schiffman, FF Alumn, at Figureworks, Jan 31-Mar. 2nd, 2003

Jacquelyn Schiffman
Sitting on Air
January 31 – March 2, 2003
Reception – Sunday Afternoon, February 2nd, 4-7 PM
at Figureworks
168 North 6th Street
(1 block south from Bedford Avenue “L” train, between Bedford Ave./ Driggs Ave.)
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY 11211
Friday – Monday 1-6 PM or by appointment

Figureworks is pleased to be hosting a striking and unusual new body of work by Jacquelyn Schiffman. This new series of figurative work is done predominately in wax and acrylic on a semi-transparent, polyester, spun-web “canvas”. Using paint and wax on this spunbond material, in an encaustic approach, Ms. Schiffman has produced stunning results. The figures take on an abstracted, dream-like quality, not only due to the artist’s hand, but also by the magic of the material itself.

Ms. Schiffman entitled this show Sitting on Air. She says “Sitting on air is tricky, you don’t know if you’re about to fly or to fall down.” Her figurative imagery is based on real people, some famous, some familial, some models. These introspective figures carry a mystical quality and it is intriguingly difficult to determine if they are elated enough to take flight or perhaps just slump and drop from sight.

Regarding her materials, spunbound technology has been around since the mid-l960s for use in the automotive, construction and medical fields. As an art source, spunbonds are remarkable for their transparent, sensual and archival qualities. To further assist in appreciating this unique material, most of this work is mounted top and bottom on transparent, hollow acrylic rods. Hanging like scrolls allows light through the piece and in many cases, exposure to the back of this work is as intriguing as the face.

Ms. Schiffman received her BA from the University of Michigan and her MS from Southern Connecticut University. She has studied in Paris at the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere and Academie de Notre Dame des Champs and in the NY at Hunter College, the New School, and the Art Students’ League. She has received numerous awards for her work including an individual grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. She has also studied in Connecticut as the studio of Gerald Garston and the Studio of Madeline Sharrer. She is influenced by the poupees of Marta Kuhn Weber and Greer Lankton and the collages of Hannelore Baron.


2. Oscar McLennan, FF Alumn, at P.S. 122, March 6-9, 2003

Oscar McLennan, FF Alumn, presents The Quiet Bastard” at P.S. 122, 150 First Avenue, NYC 10009, Thursday-Sunday, March 6-9, 7:30 pm. $15. written and performed by Oscar McLennan. Technical production and a/v byu Anne Seagrave. “Superbly done on several levels, including design and technical detail.” The Times. “A storyteller with a marvelous economy and precision with words.” Tiem Out. Commissioned by Dublini Fringe Festival and UCLA. For tickets call 212-477-5288 or ticketweb.com


3. Aaron Landsman, FF Alumn, January 23rd at LOW, Brooklyn

Dear Friend,

I’d like to invite you to a free reading of a new play I am working on. It’s called Family Establishment, and this is the first time most of the material is getting a public airing, before we do some shows in March. I am really excited about the three actors who are doing this reading (see below), and I think you’ll be excited too, when you hear what they can do. The reading is at LOW, in fabulous DUMBO, Brooklyn, just one stop away from that other borough. Here are the details:

Family Establishment
a reading of a new play by Aaron Landsman
featuring the talents of:
David Barlow, as Dave
Jean Ann Garish, as Fran
Frederick Neumann, as Jack

Thursday, January 23, 8:00 PM
at LOW, the bar below RICE
81 Washington Street, btwn. Front and York
F to York Street / A,C to High Street
for more directions, go to http://www.rice.com/low
or call LOW at 718-222-1LOW

the secret to matzo ball soup is virginia slims (thinaar.com)


4. Nurit Newman, FF Alumn, exhibits at Hobart College in 2003.

I’ve got a few exhibitions coming up and just wanted to keep everyone posted: H20 is a traveling exhibit that originated in 2002 and will continue traveling throughout 2003. I’ve also got a one person exhibit opening at the second floor contemporary gallery in Memphis and a group show at the memphis college of art. anyway here’s some information about the H20 show. the show’s website info is at the bottom of the page. Nurit Newman

H20 Exhibit Opens at Houghton House Gallery
Jo Anna Isaak,Curator

An art exhibit focusing on water and the human body will open on April 4th, 2003. In the exhibition, artists working in various media explore water as the major component of human bodies and as the site of human origin. Numerous works in the exhibition convey the experience of pleasure or fear, or impart sensations of weightlessness and timelessness-the body buoyed by water or engaged in ritual cleansing, recreation, physical or spiritual healing.

Artists in the exhibition:
Kiki Smith Brown Water, 1999 Laura Aguilar Nature Self-Portrait No. 4, 1996 Mia Westerlund Roosen Lake Louise, 2002 Eileen Neff Figure/Ground, 2001 Jeanne Silverthorne Sweat Pore, 1999 Nancy Spero River of Victims, 1966 Mark Jones Environmental Aesthetic series #3, 1993 Susan Unterberg Fish from Water Dreams Series, 1995 Amy Jenkins Ebb, 1996 Dorothy Cross Teacup, 1997 May Stevens Pearl (Morning) from the Sea of World Series, 1999 Sally Mann The Three Graces, 1994 Sabine Haubitz & Stefanie Zoche Blue Box I-III, 2000 Jenny Gage Underwater, 1999 Janine Antoni 2038, 2000 Bonnie Rychlak Waterwork IV, 2001 Carol Cole Vessel, 1992 Samm Kunce Individual Lettuce Cultures, 1994 Christy Rupp Synthetic Water, 1990 Nurit Newman Numb, 1998

How to buy the catalogue: Hobart College Bookstore
H2O: Imagination’s Matrix | Essay by Jo Anna Isaak / Pictures from the Exhibition / About the Curator / Related Links


5. Ken Butler, FF Alumn, Jan 26 at the Puffin Room; Jan 28th at the Knitting Factory.

Friends……..some rare appearances……please come to one!
Ken Butler’s Voices of Anxious Objects LIVE!

The artist-musician performs mesmerizing textures and driving melodic gypsy grooves with passion and purpose on an amazing arsenal of amplified hybrid string instruments made from household objects and tools. Duchampian Dada meets Hybrid Hindu Hendrix. Both with Bill Buchen – electric tabla, dumbek, and kanjera

Sunday, January 26th 7:30 pm
The Puffin Room
435 Broome St. (B-way & Crosby)

Tuesday, January 28th 10 pm
The Knitting Factory
The Old Office (downstairs)
74 Leonard St. (B-way & Church)

“an astonishing performer who delivers fiery world-infused compositions not
unlike a Hindu avatar coming to “burn the midnight lamp”……..Glenn Max, The Knitting Factory

ALSO, check out the Jan./Feb. issue of Islands Magazine (page 26)

Ken Butler is an artist and musician whose Hybrid musical instruments, collage drawings, performances, and installations explore the interaction and transformation of common and uncommon objects, altered images, sounds and silence.He has performed with John Zorn, Laurie Anderson, Butch Morris, The Soldier String Quartet, Matt Darriau’s Paradox Trio, The Tonight Show Band, and The Master Gnawa musicians of Morocco. His CD, Voices of Anxious Objects is on Zorn’s Tzadik label.

Bill Buchen is a percussionist, instrument inventor and designer of interactive architectural installations. He studied tablas for 10 years with Kadar Khan and Anand Kumar Mallick, and Indian vocal & music theory with Ghulam Mohammed Khan. Recent studies have included master classes with Ustad Zakir Hussein, South Indian Percussion with T.S. Nandakumar and continuing tabla studies with Pandit Samir Chattergee. He has performed and recorded with David Van Tieghem, Laurie Anderson, and Bill Laswell among others and may be heard on the following CD’s produced by Bill Laswell; Sacred System Nagual Site, Sacred System II, Raoul Bjorkenheim & N.
Skopelitis Revelator.


6. Earth Celebration January 25, 2003 seeks volunteers.

Volunteer to participate as a dancing snowflake, lantern bearers, peace bird, or luminous puppet volunteer! EARTH CELEBRATIONS’ VISIONS FOR THE EARTH: WINTER PAGEANT An illuminated procession and performance celebrating gardens, community, city & earth

(Storm Date: Sunday, January 26)

Starts: @ 7pm, 638 East 6th Street (bet. Aves. B & C), East Village
Route: Wraps around Tompkins Square Park
Performance: La Plaza Cultural Garden (9th St. Ave. C – SW corner)

Hundreds of city gardeners, artists, children, and residents dance through the cold winter streets in the spectacular luminous pageant. The parade wraps around Tompkins Square Park featuring a galaxy of glowing lanterns, giant illuminated puppets, and spectacular glittering costumes.

The Hungry March Band and a dancing bell chorus, lead the parade, into the La Plaza Cultural Garden 9th Street & Avenue C (sw corner), for a Winter Spectacle & Ceremony featuring:

* Nancy Zendora Dance Company
* Butoh Dance-Ximena Garrica
* Indonesian Dance “Tari Panyambutan” with Candra Saptanyana, Renny Widojo, and Christina Neuner
* Quenia-Brazilian Dance
* Doron Hirsh-Butoh Shadow Dance with projections among the frozen trees and bare bushes
* Garden-scape of moving video projections-Terri Ferrari
* Original music performed by Grundik Kayansky, Circle of Soul Singers,
John Weiss, and Kochek Swaminathan.
* Orator-Pat Russell / Shaman-Steve Clofine
* Opera singer-Emily Dirks, in 15-foot glittering white gown, piercing the night with an aria of hope.
* Illuminated Winter Angel by local artist Steve Jones, that flies off a 5 story building and into the garden, celebrating the coming light, spring, and hope for peace.
*Light Spinners-Lana Schwartz & Connie
* Hot cider and roasted apples warm the celebration.

Among many other participants, costume performers, puppet bearers, and volunteers.

More Information:
Earth Celebrations
638 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10009 (212) 777-7969
e-mail: mail@earthcelebrations.com



7. RENO, FF Alumn, with Joan Baez, February 7, 2003, Castro Theatre, San Francisco.

I know some of you don’t have any ability to get to San Francisco, but I’m being told that I should let you all know about this groovy event anyway. I’ll send a postcard by email about the opening of Rebel Without a Pause in NYC Feb. 28th later. No War.
love, Reno

Marc Huestis presents:

Friday, February 7,Castro Theatre
7:30 PM Gala Including Live Performance by Baez and Reno
and Sneak Preview Screening of RENO:REBEL WITHOUT A PAUSE
10:00 PM Dessert Reception with Joan Baez and Reno

The legendary Joan Baez and alternative comedian Reno will combine talents in a special evening of stellar entertainment. Partial proceeds for the evening benefit the ACLU Foundation. The gala starts with a bang with a sneak peek screening of RENO:REBEL WITHOUT A PAUSE. This video interpretation of Reno’s acclaimed off-Broadway hit presents a sometimes harrowing, often humorous picture of the aftermath of September 11 from the point of view of someone who lived just blocks away from Ground Zero. It is directed by Nancy Savoca (True Love , Household Saints ,Dogfight ).

Afterwards Baez and Reno will unveil a very special performance piece created specifically for this event. Meeting for the first time at San Francisco at Reno’s Brava Theatre show this fall, the pair commiserated about “Constitutional Decline in the Homeland” and we’ll get to see some of that commiseration in and out of song. It’s sure to be a singular vision of current events, brought to you by 2 great voices of the popular culture.

Gala show tickets are $27.50.Combined gala and reception tickets (including preferred seating)$50. For tickets,please call 415.863.0611 or e-mail hostess2@earthlink.net . Tickets are also be available at A DIFFERENT LIGHT BOOKS,489 Castro Street.
Sponsors include Seventh Art Releasing,Joie De Vivre Hotels, Commodore Hotel and The Big Picture.


8. Hannah Higgins, FF Alumn, Fluxus book launch party at Printed Matter, Feb 20, 2003.

Book Launch for Hannah Higgins’
Fluxus Experience
at Printed Matter, Inc., New York, NY
Thursday, February 20, 2003, 5 to 7 PM

Printed Matter is very pleased to announce a book launch for Hannah Higgins’ Fluxus Experience, to take place at Printed Matter, Inc., on Thursday, February 20, 2003, from 5 to 7 PM. The author will be present to sign copies of her book. Printed Matter, Inc. is located at 535 West 22nd Street, between 10th and 11th Avenues.

In her groundbreaking work of incisive scholarship and analysis, Hannah Higgins explores the influential art movement Fluxus. Daring, disparate, and contentious, Fluxus artists worked with minimal and prosaic materials to create experiences Higgins describes as affirming transactions between self and world – even when they took the form (as they often did) of assaults upon the senses. Fluxus objects and performances were characterized by expansive gestures based in scientific, philosophical, sociological, or other extra-artistic ideas all “leavened with burlesque,” as Peter Frank puts it, with the goal of changing political, social, and aesthetic perception. Higgins sees valuable pedagogical lessons to be learned from the methods and madness of Fluxus art, and she presents these as the culmination of her art historical research.

Fluxus began in the 1950s with artists from around the world who favored no single style or medium but displayed an inclination to experiment. It has endured not so much as a movement but as a sensibility – a way of fusing certain radical social attitudes with ever-evolving aesthetic practices. Two formats are unique to Fluxus: a type of performance art called the Event, and the Fluxkit multiple, a collection of everyday objects or inexpensive printed cards collected in a box that viewers explore privately. Higgins examines these two setups to bring to life the Fluxus experience, how it works, and how and why it’s important.

Printed Matter is delighted to host the chronicler of a movement we have long championed. Printed Matter carries many early Fluxus titles as well as work being done today in the name and spirit of Fluxus. An Associate Professor in the Department of Art History at the University of Illinois, Chicago, Hannah Higgins is also the daughter of Fluxus artists Alison Knowles and Dick Higgins. In Fluxus Experience, she makes the most of her personal connection to the movement by sharing her firsthand experience, bringing an astounding immediacy to her writing and a palpable commitment to shedding light on what Fluxus is and why it matters.

Fluxus Experience is published by University of California Press, 274 pages, 6 x 8 inches, 57 black-and-white photographs, ISBN: 0-520-22867-7, and is priced at $22.95. Fluxus Experience, and over 15,000 other artists’ books are available from Printed Matter’s website: www.printedmatter.org

Printed Matter is located at 535 West 22nd Street, between 10th and 11th Avenue, in New York’s Chelsea district.

For additional information, please contact David Platzker, Executive Director, Printed Matter, Inc., at (212) 925-0325.


9. Tribute to Charles Henri Ford, FF Alumn, with Penny Arcade, Lynne Tillman, Steven Watson, FF Alumns, February 8, 4 PM at St. Mark’s Church

A tribute to the life and work of Charles Henri Ford, artist and curator of Franklin Furnace’s exhibition, “The Page as Alternative Space, 1930-49,” will be held on Saturday, February 8 at 4:00 PM at St. Mark’s Church (Second Avenue at 10th Street). FF Alumns Lynne Tillman, Steven Watson, Penny Arcade and other artworld luminaries such as Gerard Melanga will participate.


10. Doug Beube, FF Alumn, at Limn Gallery, San Francisco, thru March 7, 2003

LIMN Gallery
290 Townsend St
San Francisco, CA 94107
Jan 11th-March 7th 2003
Thurs-Sat. 11:00-5:30PM
or by appointment

LIMN Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition of altered books by New York artist Doug Beube. The works were created between 1992 and 2002 and represent the rich and varied ways in which the artist approaches the book as subject / object. When Beube appropriates these books, their words are sometimes available, their shapes are sometimes recognizable, but in every case they are transformed into poetic objects that speak volumes. Deciphering their secrets requires numerous readings. Doug Beube slices, folds, burns, twists, layers and reconfigures found texts. At times Beube has something political in mind and at other times he works more intuitively finding formal relationships between colors, shapes and text. Douglas Beube has exhibited nationally and internationally and is represented in the collections of the Brooklyn Museum, Franklin Furnace, MOMA, Walker Art Center, Dartmouth College, York University and countless others. Beube is the curator of “The Book Under Pressure”, a private rotating exhibition of nearly 200 artist altered bookworks for New York collector Allan Chasanoff which began in 1993. Beube teaches artists books, mixed media, and photography and lectures at various universities and art programs around the country.


11. Anna Mosby Coleman, FF Alumn, curates video exhibit, part two, Jan 22-Feb 16.

“Video Exchange/Permuta de Vídeo”

“Video Exchange/Permuta de Vídeo” A Trans-Atlantic Video Exhibition will feature work by art department students from New York University and Portugal’s Escola Superior de Tecnologia, Gestão, Arte e Design in Caldas da Rainha ESTGAD. This exhibition is curated by Anna Mosby Coleman, Franklin Furnace Alumn and recent visiting professor at ESTGAD.

The Exchange:
During the first week of January 2003, January, 6-10, the first screenings of “Video Exchange/Permuta de Vídeo” commence. The fine arts department of ESTGAD in Caldas da Rainha, Portugal will host the exhibition for the selected videos by NYU Art Department students. In addition to single-channel videos, the works include filmic videos and music. The New York artists showing are:

Amelia Mira Saul Anisa E. Romero
Beatriz M. Barrio Cris Moss
Harrison Blair Jaffe Zinn
Juo-Ping Wang Ki-Won Song
Lauren Mackler Melissa Gaston
Michael Konrad Priyanka Dasgupta
Sujin Lee

On January 22, the second part of “Video Exchange/Permuta de Vídeo” opens in New York City. The show continues through February 16. The New York University Department of Art and Art Professions will host the video work by ESTGAD students at the Rosenberg Gallery & The Commons. The selected student works from Portugal will feature a video installation, video performances, single-channel videos, and sound works. The respective Portuguese artists are:

video installation video performance
Ricardo Brandão Susana Medeiros
Pedro Barateiro
single-channel video Cristiano Castro
Ana Batel
Mara Silva sound works
Marta Moura Patrícia João Reis
Nuno Costa Joakim Lund
Sara Santos Sandrine Silva
Silvia Machado

On 12 February at 5:00 PM, a reception for the artists will be at the Rosenberg Gallery at 34 Stuyvesant Street, New York, NY 10003, New York University Department of Art and Art Professions. The Rosenberg Galllery and The Commons is located in the Barney Building at the conjunction of Stuyvesant Street, 9th Street, and St Mark’s Place in New York’s Historic East Village.


12. Barbara Pollack, FF Alumn, essayist for new Lynch Gallery show, opens Feb 6.

The Florence Lynch Gallery is pleased to announced its move to a new Chelsea location: 531-539 West 25th Street, Ground Floor, NY 10001. Inaugural Exhibition Opening Reception: Thursday, February 6, 6 – 8 p.m.

Essay by Barbara Pollack
Artists: Fatima Allotey, Ghada Amer, Jacob El Hanani , William Kentridge, Moshekwa Langa, Sam Nhlengethwa, Odili Donald Odita, Iké Udé

February 6 – March 6, 2003
Tuesday to Saturday 11 – 6 p.m.

The gallery will also be at The Armory Show, March 6-10, Pier 88, Booth 8346

Please join us on February 6 at the opening Reception.


13. Clifford Owens, FF Alumn, at Studio Museum in Harlem and at Stony Brook Univ.

Clifford Owens, FF Alumn, is in two current group exhibitions, as follows,

“Veni Vidi Video”
January 23-March 30, 2003
Studio Museum in Harlem
144 125th Street, NYC
Curator: Christine Y. Kim

“[Blank] In Pursuit of An American History”
January 24-February 12, 2003
SAC Gallery
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
Curators: Stephanie Dinkins & Keith Miller


14. Carolee Schneemann, FF Alumn, DIA Center video screening/book signing Feb. 14.

Electronic Arts Intermix & DIA Center for the Arts Bookshop invite you to An Evening with Carolee Schneemann Valentine’s Day 6-8pm February 14 2003 for Video Screening & Book Signing Excerpts from new video projection, “Devour”, “More Wrong Things”, “Vulva’s School”, etc. Book signing of”Imaging Her Erotics – Essays, Interviews, Projects” DIA Center for the Arts Bookshop 548 West 22nd St. NYC 10011 (between 11th & 12th Ave


15. Kriota Wilberg, FF Alumn, late January 2003 events.

Hello Everyone! Here are our end of January performance and anatomy specials
AMP Showcase
Dura Mater presents two favorites from our repertoire. Danci is a lively trio costumed with spangly dance competition costume (straight from the catalogue!) and set to Indian film music. Plasticine Adolescent is an intricate electronica-driven solo for a modern-day Copelia. Dancers are Jessica Ames, Stasia Blyskal, Beth Simons, and Kriota Willberg. Other performers on the bill: Afua Hall, Blackout Arts Collective, Creative Co-op, Feraba African Rhythm Tap, and Stacie Owen.
at The Richard Ellner Theatre at Broadway Dance Center
221 W. 57th Street, 3rd Floor
(57th between 7th Ave. and Broadway)
Saturday January 25 and Sunday January 26 at 8pm
Tickets are $15 for reservations, $12 at the door.
(212)582-9304×23 or bdcperformanceoutlet.com

On-going Anatomy Parlor at The Shala
This weekly free-form lab/lecture/workshop started in October at the foot, and has meandered its way to the head, neck, and face this Monday, January 27. You can email me at willyak@earthlink.net, or call the Shala at (212) 979-9988 for the body part de jour.

Continuous Mondays 3-4:30 pm at
The Shala
815 Broadway, 2nd Floor
$15 per class (class cards accepted)


16. Ligorano/Reese, FF Alumns, at Rotunda Gallery, opening January 30, 6-8 pm

Critical Consumption
Artists engaging the politics of consumerism
January 30 – March 15, 2003
Opening Reception
Thursday, January 30, 2003, 6-8 pm
Rotunda Gallery
33 Clinton St
Brooklyn, NY 11201
tel. 718 875-4047
Artists include
Associated Artists for Propaganda Research
Bridget Batch
Margarita Cabrera
Heidi Cody
Greg Fuchs
Miguel Luciano
Dadvid Opdyke
Cheryl Yun Collection
Jonathan Allen, guest curator



Goings On are compiled weekly by Harley Spiller

Click http://www.franklinfurnace.org/goings_on.html
to visit ‘This Month’s World Wide Events’.
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for information
send an email to info@franklinfurnace.org
Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.
45 John Street, #611
New York, NY 10038-3706

Martha Wilson, Founding Director
Michael Katchen, Senior Archivist
Harley Spiller, Administrator
Tiffany Ludwig, Program Coordinator