Goings On | 09/18/2023

Contents for September 18, 2023

CONTENTS (please click on the links or scroll down for complete information on each post): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lisa Lyon, FF Alumn, In Memoriam

1. Robert Hickerson, FF FUND recipient 2022-23, at Brooklyn Fire Proof, Brooklyn, Sept. 22-23

2. Eleanor Antin, Nao Bustamante, Patty Chang, Joan Jonas, Stanya Kahn, Howardena Pindell, Pope.L, FF Alumns, at Julia Stoschek Foundation, Berlin, Germany, thru July 28, 2024

3. Clifford Owens, FF Alumn, at National Academy of Design, Manhattan, thru Dec. 16

4. Mirtha Dermisache, Ana Mendieta, Lygia Pape, Liliana Porter, Regina Silveira, Regina Vater, Cecilia Vicuña, FF Alumns, at Center for Book Arts, Manhattan, Oct. 5-Dec. 16

5. Patricia Miranda, FF Alumn, autumn news

6. Tracie Morris, FF Alumn, at Powerhouse Arena, Brooklyn, Sept. 20, and more

7. Dick Higgins, Alison Knowles, FF Alumns, at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain, opening Sept. 26

8. Kenneth King, FF Member, now online at YouTube.com and more

9. Elana Katz, FF Alumn, at Haus Kunst Mitte, Berlin, Germany, thru Oct. 1

10. Stephanie Brody-Lederman, FF Alumn, at Gallery 484, Montauk, NY, thru Oct. 10

11. Joseph Keckler, FF Alumn, at Lincoln Center, Manhattan, Sept. 23

12. Robert Wilson, FF Alumn, receives 2023 Praemium Imperiale

13. Yura Adams, FF Alumn, receives 2023 Tree of Life Individual Artist Grant, and more

14. Betty Beaumont, FF Alumn, at CalArts, Valencia, CA, thru Sept. 24

15. Liz Phillips, FF Alumn, at Wave Hill Glyndor Gallery, The Bronx, thru Nov. 26


Lisa Lyon, FF Alumn, In Memoriam

Please visit this link:

Lisa Lyon, Bodybuilding Pioneer and Mapplethorpe Muse, Dies at 70


Thank you.


1. Robert Hickerson, FF FUND recipient 2022-23, at Brooklyn Fire Proof, Brooklyn, Sept. 22-23

Robert Hickerson @roberthickerson , FF FUND Recipient 2022.

at Brooklyn Fire Proof @brooklynfireproof as a part of @officialbushwickopenstudios.

Sep 22 and 23, 2023, 5-9pm

Spanning photography, performative video, and installation, Target Audience imagines a day within an advertising agency run by vampires, working on a new campaign for a pointless product to sell an unsuspecting audience.

At the center of the exhibition is a video piece that will be live scored and live edited, performed in half hour loops by myself in collaboration with @andersnils and @tear_tier_tare.  This takes place within an installation mirroring the ad agency office, within the basement of an industrial building, offering viewers the ability to peek behind the curtain at who is selling to them.

credit line: This work was made possible in part by the Franklin Furnace FUND 2022-23, supported by Jerome Foundation, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and the friends and members of Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.

Thank you.


2. Eleanor Antin, Nao Bustamante, Patty Chang, Joan Jonas, Stanya Kahn, Howardena Pindell, Pope.L, FF Alumns, at Julia Stoschek Foundation, Berlin, Germany, thru July 28, 2024

Opening 13 September 2023, 6–10 p.m.

Unbound: Performance As Rupture

14 September 2023 – 28 July 2024

The Julia Stoschek Foundation presents an extensive group exhibition featuring 36 artists that looks at the disruptive potential of art, its aesthetic moments, and performative gestures. 

Unbound: Performance Aa Rupture examines how different generations of artists have called upon the body in relation to the camera to refuse oppressive ideologies, disrupt historical narratives, and unsettle concepts of identity. In addition to performance documentation and performance-for-the-camera, the exhibited artworks offer investigations into contemporary image economies that draw attention to how bodies move through or evade physical and digital spaces.

Setting works from the Julia Stoschek Collection in dialogue with loans, the exhibition traces various intersections of performance and video art from the late 1960s to today, focusing on how they create specific forms of rupture, fracture, and pause.

With Panteha Abareshi, Eleanor Antin, Salim Bayri, Nao Bustamante, Matt Calderwood, Peter Campus, Patty Chang, Julien Creuzet, Vaginal Davis, Ufuoma Essi, Valie Export, Cao Guimarães, Shuruq Harb, Sanja Iveković, Ulysses Jenkins, Joan Jonas, Stanya Kahn, Verena Kyselka, Tarek Lakhrissi, Klara Lidén, mandla, Graham Clayton-Chance, Lutz Mommartz, Senga Nengudi, Mame-Diarra Niang, Lydia Ourahmane, Christelle Oyiri, P. Staff, Manfred Pernice, Sondra Perry, Howardena Pindell, Pope.L, Pipilotti Rist, Katharina Sieverding, Akeem Smith, Gwenn Thomas

Curated by @_lisa_long_ @lineajan

The exhibition opening is supported by @champagnetaittinger

Thank you.


3. Clifford Owens, FF Alumn, at National Academy of Design, Manhattan, thru Dec. 16


I’m delighted to share that several recent drawings are on view at the National Academy of Design in Drawing as Practice, a thoughtful and exquisitely installed group exhibition featuring a host of great artists co-curated by Sara Reisman and Natalia Viera Salgado. 

Please visit this link:


On Tuesday, October 3 (6:30 – 8pm), artist LJ Roberts and I will have a public conversation about our respective practices moderated by Gregory Wessner, Executive Director of the National Academy of Design.

I’ll be at the opening! If you can’t attend the opening, I hope that you can view the exhibition before closes on December 16, 2023. 



Thank you.


4. Mirtha Dermisache, Ana Mendieta, Lygia Pape, Liliana Porter, Regina Silveira, Regina Vater, Cecilia Vicuña, FF Alumns, at Center for Book Arts, Manhattan, Oct. 5-Dec. 16

Center for Book Arts is excited to present Off-Register: Publishing Experiments by Women Artists in Latin America, 1960-1990 curated by Mela Dávila from October 5 to December 16 2023. This exhibition sets out to explore the creative practices of a series of Latin American women artists who, between 1960 and 1990, channeled part of their artistic impetus into printed and serialized media. The time span covered by the exhibition tracks the expansion of the conceptual movement, which began around 1960 and, depending on the geographical contexts, would last until the end of the 1980s. This was the time when artists’ books and other printed matter joined the list of new formats – installation, video, performance… – that were beginning to spread beyond the classic artistic genres and widen the field of possibilities for creators. Off-Register aims to offer an original perspective on artists’ publications created in these decades, focusing on the printed works produced and published by some thirty women artists who originated from or developed their practice in various Latin American countries – Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela – and the Chicano community in the United States.

Works by or in collaboration with Claudia Andújar (Brazil), Barbara Brändli (Venezuela), Roser Bru (Chile), Teresa Burga (Peru), Feliza Bursztyn (Colombia), Maris Bustamante + No Grupo (Mexico),Vera Chaves Barcellos (Brazil), Alicia D’Amico + Sara Facio (Argentina), Lenora de Barros (Brazil), Mirtha Dermisache (Argentina), Paz Errázuriz (Chile), Gego (Venezuela), Anna Bella Geiger (Brazil), Beatriz González (Colombia), Lourdes Grobet (Mexico), Graciela Gutiérrez Marx (Argentina), Beatriz Jaramillo (Colombia), Magali Lara + Carmen Boullosa (Mexico), Yolanda Lopez (US), Ana Mendieta (Cuba), Marie Orensanz (Argentina), Catalina Parra (Chile), Lygia Pape (Brazil), Liliana Porter (Argentina), Nelly Richard (Chile), Lotty Rosenfeld (Chile), Gretta Sarfaty (Brazil), Thea Segall (Venezuela), Marcela Serrano (Chile), Regina Silveira (Brazil), Tecla Tofano (Venezuela), Regina Vater (Brazil), Cecilia Vicuña (Chile), Diana Witlin (Colombia) and Nirma Zárate (Colombia).

Thank you.


5. Patricia Miranda, FF Alumn, autumn news

Fall rushes in, art always follows….

This summer included an enlightening trip to Greece for the Walking Encounters Conference in Prespa, an international community of peripatetic artists who walk (and walk and walk!) as their art practice. The environmental and political complexity, the sheer beauty, the humor and generosity of the people of Greece (not to mention the food!), I am still thinking about connected locality across distances, and how walking, feet touching ground, side by side with others, creates powerfully embodied community in this complicated world.

I am fortunate to be surrounded by and work with so many wonderful artists and collaborators.

This fall brings a slew of fun projects- in the studio, at MAPSpace, and beyond.

Please join me and the other artists to celebrate these projects.

image: To Hear a Pin Drop You Must be Still, on view at HVMOCA in Peekskill

Wednesday, September 27, 6-8pm

A Legacy of Making: 21 Contemporary Italian American Artists

Co-curated by Joanne Mattera and Joseph Sciorra

I will be at the opening.

John D. Calandra Italian American Institute

25 West 43rd Street, 17th Floor

New York, NY 10036

on view Sept 27-Jan 12

Italianita Exhibition, Website, and Book

The always amazing Joanne Mattera has been busy building a beautiful community of artists from the Italian diaspora, resulting in a comprehensive website, exhibition, and gorgeous print book. I am honored to be featured in all three!


Italianità website

Italianità Book (coming soon)

Artists: B. Amore, John Avelluto, Nancy Azara, Angelica Bergamini, Gianluca Bianchino, Jennifer Cecere, Chris Costan. Elisa D’Arrigo, Claudia DeMonte, Diana González Gandolfi, D. Dominick Lombardi, Joanne Mattera, Timothy McDowell, Patricia Miranda, John Monti, Carolanna Parlato, Anna Patalano, Karen Schifano, Mary Schiliro, Denise Sfraga, Lisa Zukowski

Art in Odd Places

October 13-15

Christopher Kaczmarek and I have worked together as mutual art support for many years. This year we will embark on our first full collaboration for the always amazing Art in Odd Places, the yearly arts festival presenting visual and performance art in unexpected public spaces along 14th street in NYC.

Come dance and walk with us!

We are excited to be amongst this crowd of fantastic artists!

Blanka Amezkua | AnimaeNoctis | Sally Apfelbaum | Helixx C. Armageddon | Reid Arowood | Alex Bard | Leenda Bonilla | Sayali Bramhe | Kasie Campbell | Clare Charnley & Farah Naz Moon | Margaret Chodos-Irvine | Day de Dada Performance Art Collective | Daniela Fabrizi | Vanessa Fairfax-Woods | Paola Fiterre | Jana Greiner | IGUANA Collaborative | Juliet Johnson | Kaczmarek/Miranda | Donaka Katherine | Melissa Lockwood | LuLu LoLo | Deirdre Macleod | Kristin Mariani | MiSWiP | Ankon Mitra | Lee Nutbean | Olek | Kasia Ozga | RETTOCAMME | Gabrielle Senza | Tilted Axes: Music for Mobile Electric Guitars | Molly Jae Vaughan | Micki Watanabe Spiller | Yvonne Zhang

a sneak peek at our collaboration!

A dress is a living architecture of the body, one that frames, accentuates, shapes, alters, and adorns the human form. Using orange construction materials in the form of an oversize traditional hoop skirt, Kaczmarek/Miranda will carve out an extravagant constructed body moving through public space. The bright orange materials nod to the ongoing construction of New York City and of all bodies as they move through time and place. The skirt references textile and architectural histories that reshape physical bodies and space, and their use in the experience of autonomy as well as repression.

International Sculpture Conference

October 10-15

I am very excited to work with these  brilliant Crit Lab artists on a panel and workshop for the conference!

Friday October 13, 10:45am-12:15pm

Panel Discussion: Locating Ourselves in Land-based Art / Materiality, Temporality and Subjectivity in Contemporary Feminist Environmental Art

Panel Moderator: Mrinalini Aggarwal and Crit Lab Fellow

Speakers: Patricia Miranda, gwen charles, Laura Reeder

Saturday, October 14, 3:30-5:30pm

Dye workshop

Laura K. Reeder, gwen charles, Patricia Miranda, and Supermrin will offer a 2-hour ecofeminist workshop and performance that will include a collective reading, an introduction to bioplastics, and hands-on experimentation with natural dyes. Participants will develop a collective artwork using FIELD’s grass bioplastic.

The Artist Club

Hudson Valley MOCA, Peekskill, NY

I am excited to collaborate with HVMOCA Co-Founder and President, Livia Strauss, on reestablishing The Artist Club. For recent MFA grads, artists raising young families in the suburbs and outer-burbs, artists in Peekskill and the region; start-up artists; emerging talents, and those seeking community with whom to dialogue, share critiques and positive input.

Club coordinators and mentors:

Patricia Miranda, founder of The Crit Lab, and MAPSpace.

Livia Straus Co-Founder and President: Hudson Valley MOCA

Every Third Monday 6-9 PM

HVMOCA 1701 Main Street, Peekskill, NY

Free to all accepted artists. Participants must be HVMOCA Members

Click for form

email admin@hvmoca.org for more info.

Artists will be notified with further details.

MAPSpace Exhibitions

Friday September 21, 6-8:30pm

Reimagining Constellations

MAPSpace Studio artist Carin Reich

on view by appt thru Sept 28

Saturday October 7, 6-8:30pm

A Pot Nudged Into Oblivion

curated by Jenn Cacciola

Annika Earley, Shabnam Jannesari, Elena Kalkova, Zahra Pars, Meriel Pitarka, Cynthia Reynolds, Hannah Rothbard, and Jen Schoonmaker

On view by apt Oct 7 – Nov 18

Saturday December 2, 6-8:30pm

Kate Williams and Margaret Pinto

MAPSpace + Ice Cream Social Residency Exhibition

curated by Jenn Cacciola and Patricia Miranda

On view by appt through January 6, 2024

Crit Labs are all in full swing with an amazing cohort of returning and new artists.

Check the artist pages and Instagram in the coming weeks to meet the artists.

Thank you.


6. Tracie Morris, FF Alumn, at Powerhouse Arena, Brooklyn, Sept. 20, and more

Hiya Friend!

I wanted to let you know, through my antiquated social media service known as “my curated email list”, about two great events I’m going to be featured in next week. One in the boroughs (the borough of Kings) and one upstate. Autumn in New York. So beautiful and exciting!:

On September 20, 2023 as a kind of pre-Brooklyn Book Festival gathering, I will be celebrating my new book, human/nature poems with a reading and in conversation with the great writer, poet, thinker, translator and lovely person, John Keene, sponsored by Litmus Press. I’ve known John for ages and this should be quite sweet. I’m so honored to spend time with him. We’ll be chatting at Powerhouse Arena (Dumbo, Brooklyn) from 7 – 9 pm.

Please visit this link:



On September 22, 2023 I’m heading upstate to very hip Hudson, New York, to read poetry and converse with my Left Coast pal Tongo Eisen-Martin, the wonderful Poet Laureate of San Francisco, as part of the Flow Chart Foundation’s event season. Our paths have happily crossed several times but we’ve yet to really read together and talk. I’m so delighted to share the stage with him. The reading and conversation will be at Second Ward Foundation, 71 North 3rd Street Hudson, NY 12534 from 7-9 pm. It’s a lovely place.

Please visit this link:


Hope you can make it to one (or both!) of these events. They’ll be quite different! 🙂 

Also, you may receive one more email from me a bit later. I have two other books coming out soon and there may be a bit of a shindig with all three publishers toward the end of the year/early next year. They’re radically different projects that I consider to be a triptych with human/nature poems. More on that soon but keep your eyes peeled. That would be three whole emails from me this year! That’s a lot for me! 

I know, I know, I should be on social media to e-blast but I certainly do like the peacefulness of just reaching you all in this personal way. 

Happy Autumn here’s to the beautiful crisp air and kaleidoscopic leaves falling around us. Hope to see you soon. 



Thank you.


7. Dick Higgins, Alison Knowles, FF Alumns at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain, opening Sept. 26

Call It Something Else. Something Else Press, Inc. (1963-1974)

On behalf of the Museum’s director, Manuel Segade, we are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the exhibition Call It Something Else Something Else Press, Inc. (1963-1974), that will take place on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 starting at 8:00 p.m.

The exhibition could be visited at Sabatini Building, Floor 3.

Please visit this link: 


Thank you.


8. Kenneth King, FF Member, now online at YouTube.com and more

New YouTube Comedy “Blowout At Happy Valley”

Please visit this link:


The gang is back–they/ve captured undercover Russian oligarch spy Boris Badenough who has been scheming to take over their Happy Valley Retirement Village! BBC broadcaster Basil Wraithbone returns to report on the shenanigans featuring retired actresses Katherine Heartburn and Tallulah Bankhead, feisty 151-year old Ole’ Grandpa, construction worker Buddy, cockney TV fanatic Randy Pincer, and Chef Foo Chi. Writing the comic dialogue and performing these eight zany characters continues to be a fun challenge!

More info: https://www.kennethkingmedia.com/ 

Other movies and videos on my YouTube Channel: Kenneth King Media

Thank you.


9. Elana Katz, FF Alumn, at Haus Kunst Mitte, Berlin, Germany, thru Oct. 1

Dear friends, 

I’m pleased to be exhibiting in  D Wie Deutsche? (translated as “G is for German?”) – a Deutsche Künstlerbund project curated by Philip Kojo Metz, with a Satellite exhibition at Haus Kunst Mitte this coming Saturday 16.09 – from 16:00 – 18:00. 



I’ll be showing a new installation with the stones from my 2013 work  Unnamed, in which I work with discarded World War II gravestones that I found in a Berlin cemetery garbage 10 years ago. All subsequent artworks with these stones pertain to naming the nameless. 


The event on Saturday will also feature a performance by Philip Kojo Metz (at 16:00), the artwork of Markus Merkle, and words from Haus Kunst Mitte Director Dr. Anna Havermann. 

It would be a pleasure to have you there on Saturday! 

Please visit this link:


Also my work will remain on view at Haus Kunst Mitte until October 1st.



Thank you.


10. Stephanie Brody-Lederman, FF Alumn, at Gallery 484, Montauk, NY, thru Oct. 10

Please visit this link:


Thank you.


11. Joseph Keckler, FF Alumn, at Lincoln Center, Manhattan, Sept. 23

Please visit this link:


Thank you. 


12. Robert Wilson, FF Alumn, receives 2023 Praemium Imperiale

Please visit this link:


Thank you.


13. Yura Adams, FF Alumn, receives 2023 Tree of Life Individual Artist Grant

Tree of Life is pleased to announce the four individuals who were selected to receive the 2023 Tree of Life Individual Artist Grant.

The Grantees are:

Yura Adams, Great Barrington, MA

Pam Butler, Brooklyn, NY

Ian Everard, Santa Cruz, CA

Sana Musasama, St. Albans, NY

Additional information about the artists and their projects is posted to our website, under Tree of Life Grantees.

Please visit this link:


Please consult our website for questions about our Grant Program or email us at:


Thank you.


Yura Adams, FF Alumn, at Great Barrington Train Station, MA, opening Sept 23

Hello friends,

Olympia is hosting an exhibition in the Great Barrington, Massachusetts Train Station and I am honored to show with this great group of artists.

The opening is September 23 ,4-8pm and the show is on view Saturdays and Sundays, 12-5pm Sept 23 – Oct 15. Great Barrington Train Station, 46 Castle St, Great Barrington, Massachusetts

Hope to see you there.

Yura Adams

Thank you.


14. Betty Beaumont, FF Alumn, at CalArts, Valencia, CA, thru Sept. 24

Please visit this link:


Thank you.


15. Liz Phillips, FF Alumn, at Wave Hill Glyndor Gallery, The Bronx, thru Nov. 26

Please visit this link:


Thank you.


For subscriptions, un-subscriptions, queries and comments, please email mail@franklinfurnace.org

Please join Franklin Furnace today: 


After email versions are sent, Goings On announcements are posted online at 


Goings On is compiled weekly by Farideh Sanandaji, FF Intern, Fall 2023

