Goings On | 1/15/2004

Franklin Furnace’s Goings On
January 15, 2004

1. Lenora Champagne, FF Alumn, at Ohio Theatre, Feb 6-22, 2004
2. RENO, FF Alumn, at Dixon Place and Bowery Poetry Club, Jan 9-11, 14, 21, 28, 2004
3. Irina Danilova, FF Alumn, at Anthology Film Archives, Jan 14, 15
4. Marty Pottenger, FF Alumn, at DTW, and Painted Bride, January 2004
5. Alan Sondheim, FF Alumn, at Casper Jones Café, Brooklyn, Jan 15, 7-9 pm
6. Kim Irwin, FF Alumn, at NY Public Library, 96th Street, Jan 17, 2 pm
7. Marianne Weems, FF Alumn, at LMCC, Jan 20, 7-9 pm
8. George Ferrandi, FF Alumn, at DUMBO Jan 17; launches new website, and more.
9. Alice Eve Cohen, FF Alumn, teaches theatre course,The New School, starts Feb 9
10. David Cale, FF Board Member and Alumn, at Goodman Theatre, Chicago, Jan 21
11. Frank Moore, FF Alumn, at Kimos, San Francisco, Feb 14, 2004
12. Frank Shifreen, FF Alumn, in art against war show in India, Jan 16-21, 2004
13. Andrea Polli, FF Alumn, at Gigantic ArtSpace, opening Feb 6, 7-9 pm
14. Kiki Smith, Lynne Tillman, FF Alumns at MoMA/Gramercy Theatre, Jan 28, 6:30 pm

1. Lenora Champagne, FF Alumn, at Ohio Theatre, Feb 6-22, 2004

Soho Think Tank presents
Mother’s Little Helper
written and performed by Lenora Champagne
directed by Robert Lyons

In the age of Bush and Ashcroft, a woman draws on her Louisiana roots (and a 1950’s guide to the facts of life) to help raise her daughter in a world fraught with post-9/11, pre-adolescent danger.

“A lively meditation on motherhood and the state of the world. Smart and charismatic – genuinely funny.” – Martin Denton, nytheatre.com

“Treacherously insightful – sardonic and poignant- ¦slightly wacky” – American TheatreWeb.com

set and costume by Liz Prince
lights by Tyler Micoleau
sound by Eric Shim
producing director: Erich Jungwirth

Feb. 6-22 Thurs-Sat 8 p.m., Sun 5 p.m.
Ohio Theatre, 66 Wooster Street
Tickets: $15 ($10 for students/seniors)
Smartix.com or 212.868.4444
info at sohothinktank.org or 212.966.4844
(for student groups, please call 212.966.4844)


2. RENO, FF Alumn, at Dixon Place and Bowery Poetry Club, Jan 9-11, 14, 21, 28, 2004

January 1, 2004 (5764 Jewish, 4701 Chinese, 47 Me)


New Year. New President? Mandatory! I see how the 41% of the electorate that is Evangelical, (i.e., the “Christian Right” which is neither, as a famous bumper sticker had it), aren’t sending their money to Falwell, Dobson, etc., anymore, SINCE THEY BELIEVE THAT GOD PUT GW BUSH IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND SO THEY’VE WON!!! Does this mean we’re winning or losing? Yo! This Bulloney was settled 200 years ago. CHURCH is your business. STATE is all of ours. They are not in the same family. I’ll be working up the slapstick side of this tragic American trend in two venues a
la Bowery:

on god, sex, religion, sex
The Dixon Place Veteran Series presents
Wednesdays, January 14,21,28 @9pm
Tickets only $10 or TDF
Reservations: 212-219-0736 x106
Dixon Place at the Marquee: 356 Bowery (between Great Jones & E.4th St)
308 Bowery (N of Houston)
Friday-Sunday Jan 9-11 @ 8pm
212 614-0505



3. Irina Danilova, FF Alumn, at Anthology Film Archives, Jan 14, 15

5:09 minutes, 2003
Directed by Irina Danilova

“F-Day” is a video documentation of one day, August 9, 2002, set in New York City as a part of Irina Danilova’s annual Alphabet Diet Performance. “F-Day” is an “F”- exploration of the day including a visit to Franklin Furnace For French Fries with the artist TiFFany Ludwig; and a meeting with the director of Franklin Furnace, Martha Wilson, For Fish a Few hours before the opening of her Feminist exhibition.

2004 Red Shift Festival
January 15, 2004
Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue at Second Street,
New York, New York
8:00 pm
2nd Annual Red Shift Festival,
January 14 and 15, 2004
at 8pm
Anthology Film Archives
(32 2nd Avenue at 2nd Street, NYC)

The First Red Shift Festival played to sold-out audiences and rave reviews living up to it’s mission of discovering and promoting emerging independent filmmakers and drawing worldwide attention to Russian immigrant culture in the West. From short films to silent epics, from gritty documentaries to spectacularly crafted animation, Hi-8 video to 35mm film, Red Shift Festival champions work in all moving image formats and a full range of subject matter and innovative programming.

This year’s program includes films by: Slava Tsukerman, Marina Goldovskay, Yuriy Gavrilenko and Dmitry Rozin, Alina and Jeff Bliumis, Dmitry Povolotsky and Mihalis Gripiotis, Alexander Shnurov and Victor Olenev, Maria Vasilkovsky, Yevgeniy Fiks, Signe Baumane, Yuri Makoveychuk, Mirek Nisenbaum and Sabina Hahn, Michael Shraga, Sergei Aniskov, Masha Reshetnikov, Nataliya Lyakh, Alexandra Lerman and Darya Belova, Olga Kisseleva, Darya Zhuk, Irina Danilova, and Aliona Yurtsevich.

Red Shift tickets go on sale an hour before the show.(Please note that tickets sell out extremely fast.)
Updates and full details on the Festival, including schedule, program, filmmakers’ bios are posted on the
http://www.rsfest.com/2004fest.html (for January 14th)
http://www.rsfest.com/2004fest2.html (for January 15th)


4. Marty Pottenger, FF Alumn, at DTW, and Painted Bride, January 2004

Hi Everybody.

Abundance, the play about money and America I’ve been working on just opened last week at Dance Theater Workshop (219 W. 19 St. betw 7 and 8 Ave). Reservations 212 924-0077.

Some of you have called to let me know you haven’t gotten a card or word of Abundance’s opening last Thursday, so here’s another form of communication with some of the program notes below. Pass it on. I’ll be at every show, so make sure to say hi. If you are on this email list, you have helped in some important way with making this happen, whether or not you realize it. Thank you.

Abundance plays Tuesdays through Saturdays at 7PM.(this week and next) with a Saturday matinee at 2PM. Tonight – Monday – is a special 7PM performance as well. Wishing you a new year where all of us get to laugh together alot more.

Tuesdays is “pay what you can” night and if you are an artist and have appeared in a program or some printed matter as one, you can get a discount.

The show closes the last week in January at The Painted Bride in Philadelphia after an 8 city national tour. It’s been exciting.

thanks and love, Marty


5. Alan Sondheim, FF Alumn, at Casper Jones Café, Brooklyn, Jan 15, 7-9 pm

Three Capricorns celebrate their birthdays with readings
Please come and be a part of our party!
Thursday, January 15, 2004
7 pm-9 pm
Casper Jones Cafe
440 Bergen Street
Brooklyn, NY 11238

(Q train to 7th Ave station and 2 train to Bergen Street station – both close to the venue – you can also take the 2, 3, 4, 5, N, R, W to Pacific Street or Atlantic Avenue – only a couple of blocks away)

Casper jones cafe has an excellent selection of food and drink And our house band will perform too (Leonie Wilson / Alan Sondheim)

Kim Lyons’s book Saline is forthcoming from Instance Press. Eagerly we await its manifestation! She is the author of Abracadabra (Granary Books), Mettle (Granary Books) and several evocative chapbooks. She is triple Capricorn.

Nada Gordon’s latest book of poetry is V. Imp. (Faux Press). Other Titles include Are Not Our Lowing Heifers Sleeker than Night-Swollen Mushrooms? (Spuyten Duyvil) and Foriegnn Bodie (Detour), as well as an e-pistolary multiform novel, Swoon written together with Gary Sullivan. She is a Capricorn-Dragon.

Brenda Iijima’s book Around Sea is just out from O Books! An essay in chapbook form titled COLOR AND ITS ANTECENDENTS is forthcoming from Yen Agat Books. A compact disc of Friedrich Hölderlin’s poems read in German by Erika Uchman and in English (using Richard Sieburth’s translations) by Iijima will be released shortly by Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs. She is a Capricorn-Goat.


6. Kim Irwin, FF Alumn, at NY Public Library, 96th Street, Jan 17, 2 pm

a Jubilee
a celebratory reading of
A Bell Buried Deep
by Veronica Golos
co-winner of the 16th Annual
Nicholas Roerich Poetry Prize
“These poems, tender and jolting…concise and lyrical, (are) simply stunning…no one who reads these painful, liberating musings will close this volume unchanged…” Patricia Smith, poet, co-author of Africans in America with featured poets Terri Muuss, Lisa Ramirez, Kim Irwin, Ritu Kalra, Karin de Weille, Bonnie Rose Marcus, and others.

January 17, 2pm, Saturday
NYPL, 96th St Branch
Between Lexington and Park) Reception after the reading
Book will be available for purchase.
Please RSVP via email— Vgdp@aol.com

A Bell Buried Deep
IBSN# 1-58654-031-9
Story Line Press
Three Oaks Farm, Po BOX 1240
Ashland, Or 97520-005
for pre order: www.amazon.com


7. Marianne Weems, FF Alumn, at LMCC, Jan 20, 7-9 pm

Conversation with British artist Keith Khan, theater director Marianne Weems and anthropologist Arjun Appadurai

Don’t miss this free panel discussion at LMCC!
One Wall Street Court, 142 Pearl Street, 2nd Floor
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2004; 7-9 pm

British artist Keith Khan or motiroti, theater director Marianne Weems of The Builders Association, and anthropologist Arjun Appadurai, discuss the politics and aesthetics of producing large-scale cross-cultural performances and the role of various media in creating these works.

Starting with a discussion of the Builders Association’s widely acclaimed new performance work Alladeen, Weems, Khan and Appadurai explore larger questions that arise when many cultures collide, both in virtual and material reality. As Appadurai has remarked: “…in a world of migration and mass mediation, everybody is living in a world of image flows, such that it’s not simply and straightforwardly possible to separate their everyday life from this other set of spaces that they engage with through the media, either as receivers, or as workers in call centers, or on interactive websites, etc. The work of the imagination allows people to inhabit either multiple localities or a kind of single and complex sense of locality, in which many different empirical spaces co-exist.”

Producing Alladeen involved the collaboration of artists, cultural organizations, arts councils, and governments from New York, Bangalore and London, and takes as its theme the political and social dimensions of the imagination. Set primarily in the call centers of Bangalore, a group of Indian tech workers trained to mimic American accents and cultural knowledge must negotiate their “real” lives in India and their virtual telecommunications lives as Americans.

The New York City-based Builders Association is known for theater pieces such as Jet Lag (1998-99) that incorporate new media into live performance. London-based motiroti produces theater, installations and public events that investigate how forms of expression circulate among cultures. Together they recently presented Alladeen at the Brooklyn Academy of Music December 2-6, 2003.

An RSVP is encouraged to attend this event. Reservations will be taken online at www.lmcc.net/rsvp or by e-mailing rsvp@lmcc.net no later than January 12th. Please indicate for which program you are making a reservation.

DIRECTIONS: One Wall Street Court is located at the nexus of Beaver Street, Pearl Street and Wall Street in the heart of lower Manhattan’s financial district. The building is located across the street from the Mercantile Grille Restaurant which is at 126 Pearl Street.

Subway & Bus Directions
2/3/4/5 to Wall Street
J/M/Z to Broad Street
N/R to Rector Street
M6 to Broadway and Wall Street

MARIANNE WEEMS is a co-founder of The Builders Association and has directed all of their productions. Over the last 15 years in New York, she has worked as an assistant director and dramaturge with Susan Sontag, Jan Cohen-Cruz, Richard Foreman, and many others. From 1988-94 she was assistant director and dramaturge for The Wooster Group, during that time she also co-directed Ron Vawter’s solo performance Roy Cohn/Jack Smith, and co-produced the film version with Good Machine, executively produced by Jonathan Demme. She is board president of Art Matters, a private arts foundation, and co-edited the book Art Matters: How the Culture Wars Changed America (N.Y.U. Press, 2000.) She was a member of the performance ensemble The V-Girls, who performed and published from 1986-1995

KEITH KHAN is a multi award-winning artist whose work is recognized internationally. Recent commissions include Director of Design for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Commonwealth Games 2002 and Artistic Director of Celebration Commonwealth, for the Queen’s Jubilee Parade in Central London, June 2002. The Golden Jubilee Commemorative Buckingham Palace Balcony Hanging, designed by Keith Khan and made by the Royal School of Needlework, is currently displayed within the Royal Collection. Starting on the streets ofLondon’s Notting Hill (where he worked as a carnivalist for eight years), Khan’s work now occupies places such as the Tate Modern, the Royal Albert Hall, and the Millennium Dome, where he designed the opening ceremony and worked with Mark Fisher and Peter Gabriel. Keith Khan is an advisor to the British Government’s Department of Culture, Media & Sport.

ARJUN APPADURAI is Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs of New School University. He was born in Bombay, India and educated at the University of Bombay (Intermediate Arts), Brandeis University (BA), and the University of Chicago (MA and PhD in Social Thought). He has had extensive teaching and research experience, most recently as the William K. Lanman, Jr. Professor of International Studies at Yale University, where he also is the Director and Chair of the Center on Cities and Globalization. Earlier in his career, Mr. Appadurai served as the Samuel N. Harper Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago, where he was also the Director of the Globalization Project. Previously, he was Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Appadurai has received numerous academic honors, scholarships, and grants. He has been a distinguished lecturer at many academic conferences in Europe, India and the United States. He has conducted extensive fieldwork in India, South Africa, and the Philippines and is the author or editor of nine books (three additional books are in preparation) and more than 80 scholarly articles. In addition to English, he is fluent in French, Hindi, Marathi, and Tamil. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and serves on the boards of many scholarly bodies.

Proud participant of Cool New York.

Wayne Ashley
Curator of New Media & Public Programs
Manhattan Cultural Council
One Wall Street Court
New York, NY 10005
Tel. 212-219-9401 ext. 106



8. George Ferrandi, FF Alumn, at DUMBO Jan 17; launches new website, and more.

Hello Friends and Friends of Friends-

I hope this year brings you many realized wishes. And I hope you don’t mind this group e-mail; please let me know if you’d like to be removed from this list. (Just enter “end it all” as your subject.)

I am writing to tell you about 3 upcoming events where I will be presenting work:

number one: less than one week from today – this coming saturday:

Super Silver Monkey is making his Official New York Premiere at the DUMBO Arts Center in what promises to be a wonderfully eclectic show called “HOME.” Seventeen artists will each be presenting works which address one of the ways we define for ourselves this idea of “home” – as a structural dwelling, a physical body, or a set of relationships. To this end, I am honored to present an installation mapping the domestic life of Super Silver Monkey and his enigmatic sidekick / potential assassin, Chavish.

Bruce Brown, the exhibit’s curator, has selected a sparkling group of artists for this show, including David McQueen, Danica Phelps and Celeste Roberge. I feel lucky.

Please accept my invitation to the show and to the reception if you are in town on Saturday the 17th.

january 17 – march 14, 2004
opening reception:
saturday, January 17, 6-9 pm
d.u.m.b.o. arts center
30 washington street
brooklyn, ny 11201
(718) 694-0831

number two: look for a valentine’s day launch of the website supersilvermonkey.com – featuring regularly posted drawings, writings and parade planning information.

number three: down the road a bit
As part of Columbia University’s visiting artist lecture series, I will be presenting a performance entitled “a tracing in lighter colors” described by the folks at Columbia as “a darkly whimsical and visually lush performance/lecture which analyzes and annotates a bizarre story from her family history.” Some of you may have seen this piece at Chashama last year. If not, you should probably be told that the performance involves a funereal photograph, cartoon rabbits and a toy saxaphone.

a tracing in lighter colors
Tuesday, March 2, 2004
8:00 pm
501 Schermerhorn Hall
Columbia University

Please feel free to contact me for more information or to request your Super Silver Monkey Commemorative Hero Helper – yours for only $1.00.

All the very, very best to you and yours this year.

Your friend, or friend of friend,
George Ferrandi


9. Alice Eve Cohen, FF Alumn, teaches theatre course,The New School, starts Feb 9

Alice Eve Cohen, FF Alumn, teaches a Solo Theatre Couse at the New School University, Mondays from 8:00 to 9:45 pm beginning Feb. 9.

Solo Theater
Course Description
13 sessions, Mon., 8:00 – 9:45pm
Alice Eve Cohen
Limited to 15. Solo theatre, with ancient roots in traditional storytellers, shamans, jesters, and ritual clowns, is experiencing a renaissance, taking it from downtown clubs to Broadway. This highly personal genre encompasses storytelling, multi-character comic monologues, mixed-media performance art, etc. In this course, each student works on the script of a solo one-act or a collection of short solo pieces, culminating in an invitational performance of student work. Equal attention is given to crafts of writing and performing, and in-class writing and improvisation exercises help students to find their own voices. Basic elements of drama and storytelling are taught, but students may work in non-traditional narrative styles. Participants are encouraged to form partnerships to direct one another’s work. Students will read performance texts by solo artists including Anna Deavere Smith and John Leguizamo, and there will be discussion of performance venues and opportunities in New York City. (3 credits)

Register online at www.nsu.edu/register or by phone at 212-229-5690.


10. David Cale, FF Board Member and Alumn, at Goodman Theatre, Chicago, Jan 21

David Cale’s new musical FLOYD AND CLEA UNDER THE WESTERN SKY at the Goodman Theatre, Chicago on Wednesday January 21, 2004
Book and Lyrics by David Cale
Music by Jonathan Kreisberg and David Cale
A public reading/performance of the new musical, FLOYD AND CLEA UNDER THE WESTERN SKY will open the Goodman Theatre’s New Stages Series on Wednesday January 21. A country-western musical duet about a down-and-out middle-aged man and the young woman singer who inspires him to make a come back. Featuring David Cale and Tempe Thomas, and a live guitar performance by the co-composer Jonathan Kreisberg. Admission FREE. Showtime 7 P.M. The Goodman Theatre, 170 N. Dearborn Street. Reservations essential. Please call 312-443-3800.


11. Frank Moore, FF Alumn, at Kimos, San Francisco, Feb 14, 2004

a night of pube-burning, rainbow projectile puking orgasms, nude bodies rubbing sweating skin dancing friction into deep core intimate trances, civilization-destroying blasting noise a.k.a. music! YOU THINK YOU ARE HARD CORE? PROVE IT!

Frank Moore’s Cherotic All Star Band
The Nude Women of Blistx featuring John Truby
The Return of Skitzo
Fluff Grrl

Saturday, February 14, 2004
1351 Polk Street @ Pine
San Francisco, CA 94109-4617
Doors open 9 p.m.
Show starts 9:30 p.m.

For more info:


12. Frank Shifreen, FF Alumn, in art against war show in India, Jan 16-21, 2004

I just wanted to tell you about a show I participating as an artist and curating as an extension of the Art Against War Show. I heard about a group of people in India who were interested in the art against war show. I emailed them and they seemed not quite sure what they wanted. Later they gave me an definitive yes. It turns out this is the group running the WSF Forum (www.wsfindia.org )

I am involved with choosing and sending work connected with my “Art Against War” Poster Show. The event is called the World Social Forum and it will take place in Bombay India (http://www.wsfindia.org/)

This is a huge event of independent socialists- anti imperialists, anti- capitalists worldwide, from Jan 16- 21. It has 75,000 registered delegates, expecting 300,000 visitors. The works will be sent and printed digitally. Printed, they will be 2 meters (just under 7 feet) high and up to 8 meters long.( 27 feet) all the work is being sent digitally and then printed from digital files.


13. Andrea Polli, FF Alumn, at Gigantic ArtSpace, opening Feb 6, 7-9 pm

Gigantic ArtSpace
59 Franklin Street, New York, NY, 10013
T 212 226-6762 F 212 226-6505
Tuesday – Saturday 11am -7pm

Curated by Lea Rekow
February 6 – March 20, 2004
Reception Friday, February 6, 7-9PM

Gigantic ArtSpace is proud to present Gen.r.8, a group exhibition exploring generative processes in artistic production. Duplication, replication, and simulacrum are explored through print, video, film, music, painting, robotics, cloning, and sound composition machines. Gen.R.8 is a peek through the lens of continual, conceptual fusion. The “DNA” of this work is modified, distorted, and in some cases, rendered completely irrelevant. An exhibition catalogue will be available.

LEMUR: A group of artists and technologists present a “band” of robotic musical instruments that play themselves, driven by generative software and algorithmically generated improvisation.

LEE RANALDO: musician and visual artist, is an original member of the group Sonic Youth. Lee has written the composition for the Lemur instrument, “guitarbot”, and presents Madonna Generation, a print project.

ANDREA POLLI: presents the installation and digital print series The Fly’s Eye, tracking live movement with light analysis to create
deconstruction of the video image.

NATALIE JEREMIJENKO: presents monitored clones of her OneTrees project; tree(s) micro-propagated in culture. A pack of feral data tracker dogs:
Sniffers will also be roaming the gallery. Sniffer is a store-bought toy robotic dog, modified to hunt for environmental toxins.

BILL MORRISON: Decasia’s decomposing film stock creates tension between the stained, eroded, unstable surface and the fragile nature of that which was once photographically represented.

DJ OLIVE: Referential components of sound samples exemplify the inherent haziness existing between the boundaries of “biting” and remixing.

KEN MONTGOMERY: Lamination Ritual is a participatory activity and listening experience which stimulates the mind and body in-the-moment, producing an original, tangible, transformed object which will last… almost forever.

LAURA KURGAN: Commissioned and manipulated satellite images examine the interfaces between electronic media, and information technologies.

STEVE REICH: Speech recordings generate the musical material in Early Works.

CAROL WARNER: Commercially produced images are subjected to both additive and subtractive processes to scramble familiar visual information.

DAVID LEE MYERS: Specialized circuitry and electronic systems produce “Feedback Music”. Images are then produced from oscilloscope traces of the Feedback sounds.

IBRAHIM QURAISHI: Anamorphose is an ambient narrative of multiplication, duplication and digital manipulation.

GREG DEOCAMPO: Remixes a synthesis of a mathematical model of the Big Bang hum a solar flare from space probe Cassini.

LEA REKOW is curator and founding director of Gigantic ArtSpace.


14. Kiki Smith, Lynne Tillman, FF Alumns at MoMA/Gramercy Theatre, Jan 28, 6:30 pm

The Museum of Modern Art, New York presents the following programs in conjunction with Kiki Smith: Prints, Books, and Things:

A Conversation between Kiki Smith and Lynne Tillman
Wednesday, January 28, 2004, 6:30 P.M.
The Gramercy Theatre
127 East 23 Street at Lexington Avenue

Retelling Little Red et al: Fairy Tales in Art and Literature
Tuesday, February 24, 2004, 6:30 P.M.
The Gramercy Theatre
127 East 23 Street at Lexington Avenue
For more information visit:

The following programs will be held in conjunction with Kiki Smith: Prints, Books, and Things:

A Conversation between Kiki Smith and Lynne Tillman
Wednesday, January 28, 2004, 6:30 P.M.
The Gramercy Theatre
127 East 23 Street at Lexington Avenue

Artist Kiki Smith and critic and novelist Lynne Tillman explore major themes in Smith’s work, such as anatomy, self-portraiture, nature, and the feminine, with special attention to the artist’s articulation of these themes in printed art. Smith’s fascination with printed art forms-from postage stamps to medieval prayer books to Victorian children’s books-and how they have informed her own printed work, are also discussed. Moderated by Wendy Weitman, Curator, Department of Prints and Illustrated Books, The Museum of Modern Art, and organizer of Kiki Smith: Prints, Books, and Things.

Retelling Little Red et al: Fairy Tales in Art and Literature
Tuesday, February 24, 2004, 6:30 P.M.
The Gramercy Theatre
127 East 23 Street at Lexington Avenue

Kiki Smith’s representations of childhood heroines, such as Little Red Riding Hood and Alice in Wonderland, reflect a personal reading of popular fairy tales,often refashioning their plots and motivations. Panelists investigate the way feminine characters have been portrayed in classic fairy tales, and discuss contemporary interpretations in art and literature. Moderated by Wendy Weitman, curator of the Smith exhibition. Panelists include Kate Bernheimer, editor and novelist; Francine Prose, novelist; Jack Zipes, Professor of German and Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota; and Kiki Smith.

Tickets can be purchased in person only at the MoMA QNS Lobby Ticketing Desk, 33 Street at Queens Boulevard, and at the Visitor Center at the MoMA Design Store, 44 West 53 Street (open daily 10:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. and 3:00-5:30 P.M.). Remaining tickets will be available at the door on the evening of the program.

Kiki Smith: Prints, Books, and Things is on view at MoMA QNS from December 5, 2003 to March 8, 2004.

For more information about Public Programs, please call (212 ) 708-9781 or (212) 247-1230 (TTY), or visit http://www.moma.org/momalearning For general information about Kiki Smith: Prints, Books, and Things, please call (212) 708-9400.

The exhibition is made possible by Agnes Gund and Daniel Shapiro. Generous support is also provided by the Lily Auchincloss Foundation, Emily Fisher Landau, and Jerry I. Speyer and Katherine G. Farley. Additional funding is provided by The Contemporary Arts Council of The Museum of Modern Art. The accompanying educational programs are made possible by BNP Paribas.



Goings On are compiled weekly by Harley Spiller

Click http://www.franklinfurnace.org/goings_on.html
to visit ‘This Month’s World Wide Events’.
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for information
send an email to info@franklinfurnace.org
Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.
45 John Street, #611
New York, NY 10038-3706

Martha Wilson, Founding Director
Michael Katchen, Senior Archivist
Harley Spiller, Administrator
Dolores Zorreguieta, Program Coordinator