Goings On | 9/21/2004

Franklin Furnace’s Goings On
September 21, 2004

1. Carolee Schneemann, FF Alumn, announces 2004-05 events and exhibitions
2. Milenka Berengolc, Geoffrey Hendricks, Joan Jonas, Allan Kaprow, Suzanne Lacy, Linda Montano, Pauline Oliveros, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Hannah Wilke, FF Alumns, at Vlepo Gallery, Staten Island, Oct 7-28, 2004
3. Leon Golub, Chrissie Iles, Martha Rosler, Carolee Schneemann, Richard Serra, Lawrence Weiner, FF Alumns, at the Whitney Museum, NY, thru Oct 24
4. Leon Golub, Robert Longo, Yoko Ono, Elin O’Hara Slavick, FF Alumns, at White Box’s The Annex, NY, opening October 9, 6-8 pm
5. Lawrence Weiner, FF Alumn, at Bookworks, London, UK, Sept 17, 7 pm
6. Karen Shaw, FF Alumn, at Susan Conde Gallery, NY, opening Oct 2, 6-8 pm
7. Julie Ault, Susan Leopold, Warren Neidich, Mark Tribe, FF Alumns, at GAS, Tribeca, opening Sept 15, 6-9 pm
8. Judith Sloan, FF Alumn, at New York University, Sept 22, 23, 7 pm
9. Ken Butler, FF Alumn, at Flux Factory, NY, Sept. 25, 8 pm
10. Marjorie Kouns, FF Alumn, at Raven Playhouse, LA, Sept 23-24
11. Deborah Garwood, FF Alumn, reviews Lecomte du Douy
12. Steed Taylor, FF Alumn at Ambrosino Gallery, North Miami, opens Sept 17, 6-8 pm
13. Babs Reingold, FF Alumn, at Artspace, Hartford, CT, Sept 24-26
14. Anahi Cáceres, FF Alumn, participates in forum at www.e-naim.com.ar
15. Kal Spelletich, FF Alumn, at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, CA, opens Sept 30
16. Tiffany Ludwig, FF Alumn, at Jersey City Museum, Sept. 22, ’04-Jan. 9, ’05
17. Zlatko Kopljar, FF Alumn, represents Croatia in 26th Bienal de Sao Paulo, Brazil
18. Harry Kipper, FF Alumn, at G. Horowitz Bookseller, E. Hampton, NY, opening Oct 2
19. Marie Sester, FF Alumn, presents Access, Paris France and online

1. Carolee Schneemann, FF Alumn, announces 2004-05 events and exhibitions

Carolee Schneemann, FF Alumn, announces 2004-05 events and exhibitions, as follows: (*denotes Solo Exhibition)

Generation X Garden, NYC. Howl Festival 2004 – Warwhorz: Gender, War & Consumerism. August 23, 2004; 8pm -midnight. “Viet-Flakes” (1965) VHS screening.

Whitney Museum of American Art, NYC. “WAR! PROTEST IN AMERICA 1965-2004.” August 25th – October 24th. “Viet-Flakes” (1965) video.

Le Petit Versailles, NYC. “War-Oh, The Horror…”. August 28th, 8pm. “Viet-Flakes” (1965) screening.

Whitney Museum of American Art, NYC. Panel Discussion: Spaces Between Body and Earth: The Art of Ana Mendieta. Thursday, September 9, 2004 at 7 pm.

Hartware-Medien Kunstverein, Dortmund, Germany. “Expanded Cinema: Film as Spectacle” September 10-26, 2004. “Kitch’s Last Meal” (1973-76) Super 8mm double projection (1 hr. version) screening, Sept. 19, 2004; 3pm.

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA. Eighth Annual MadCat Women’s International Film Festival. September 14 – October 8. “Meat Joy” (1964); “Body Collage” (1967); Thursday September 23, 7&9pm.

Artist Television Access, San Francisco, CA. Eighth Annual MadCat Women’s International Film Festival. September 14 – October 8. “Devour” (2003-04) Sept. 17th & 24th at 7pm and 9pm.

Bowery Poetry Club, NYC. “Segue” series. October 2nd. CS reading.

DUMBO Art Center, Brooklyn, NY. October 16th. Artist talk with Martha Rosler.

*Remy Toledo Gallery, NYC. October 21st. Print editions “Infinity Kisses”; sculpture with video projection..

Optica un Centre d’art Contemporain. Montreal (Quebec) Canada. “Les Panoramiques”. October 28th, 2004. Panoramic photographs (new photo-grid).

Lumen. Leeds, England. “The Evolution Festival”. November 1-6, 2004. “Kitch’s Last Meal” (1973-76) Super 8mm double projection (1 hr. version) screening; “Viet-Flakes (1965); “Devour” dual screen projection (2003-04).

*PPOW Gallery, NYC. CS solo exhibition, SNAFU – November 18th. New sculpture with video projection.

Joan Miro Foundation. Barcelona, Spain. “Women – Metamorphosis of Modernity”. November. 26 , 2004 – Feb. 6, 2005. “Body Collage” (1967) & “Fuses” (1964) videos.

Syracuse University, Syracuse NY. November 30, 2004 Lecture. December 1, 2004 “Corporeal Cinema: Avant-Garde Transgressions”. “Fuses” (1965) 16mm film; “meat Joy” (1964) DVD; “Devour” dual screen projection (2003-04).

Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden, Washington DC. “Meet The Artist” series. January 25th, 2005. CS slides and video presentation.

Florida State University. Tallahassee, Florida. Visiting Artist. February 3-4, 2005. Lecture, slides, recent video.

Articule, Montreal (Quebec) Canada. September 2005. “Devour” (2003-04) multi-channel projection installation; “Video Rocks” (1987-88) installation and photographic wall.

Independent Curator’s International, NYC. 2005-06 “Including Their Limits – NY Painting 1966-1976” (tentative title). Traveling museum exhibition. CS Painting-construction and video installation.

Embodied Mind – feature length film by Marielle Nitoslawska of CS works.

Correspondence Course – forthcoming publication of CS letters, edited by Kristine Stiles.


2. Milenka Berengolc, Geoffrey Hendricks, Joan Jonas, Allan Kaprow, Suzanne Lacy, Linda Montano, Pauline Oliveros, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Hannah Wilke, FF Alumns, at Vlepo Gallery, Staten Island, Oct. 7-28, 2004

“Life As Art,” an exhibition on performance art, will be presented at the Vlepo Gallery, 36 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, New York October 7th through October 28th,2004. The opening reception will take place October 9th, 2004 from 3-6 p.m. Curated by performance artist Milenka Berengolc, the exhibition is an eclectic mix of works by seminal artists of the seventies, such as Linda Montano, Geoffrey Hendricks, Hannah Wilke, Joan Jonas, Suzanne Lacy, Alex Grey, Pauline Oliveros, and Mierle Laderman Ukeles, as well as local and emerging artists. In these lifelike performances documented here is the recuperation of the ordinary. It is art in the context of everyday activity, whether the impetus is self exploration or a search for social change. The performances in “Life as Art” emphasize mindfulness in everyday living. “Life as Art” is dedicated to Allan Kaprow. Kaprow, renowned for his “happenings” of the fifties and sixties, wrote of the blurring of life and art and was to coin the term “lifelike art.” There will be live performances at the opening reception. On Saturday, October 23,2004, Linda Montano will perform her recent work, “Conversations with My Father” for the closing. The Vlepo Gallery, (“I See” in Greek), located just across from the Staten Island Ferry and overlooking Manhattan, is currently celebrating its first anniversary.

This project is made possible in part by a Premier Grant from the Council on the Arts and Humanities for Staten Island (COAHSI) with public funding from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.


3. Leon Golub, Chrissie Iles, Martha Rosler, Carolee Schneemann, Richard Serra, Lawrence Weiner, FF Alumns, at the Whitney Museum, NY, thru Oct 24

WAR! Protest in America, 1965-2004, on view at the Whitney from August 26 to October 24, 2004, presents films that address the theme of war, centered around an event at the heart of the outrage that galvanized Americans during the late 1960s: the war in Vietnam. In that period, a new generation, disillusioned with authority and motivated by the political and social turbulence of the times, explored issues of civil rights, black power, personal liberation, and political action. While playing a key role in the proceedings, filmmakers documented this remarkable moment in history.

Some of the filmmakers included in this series aligned themselves with collective political filmmaking centered around the New York and San Francisco Newsreels (later known as Third World Newsreel). In many cases, the anonymously produced films challenged the hierarchy of television news and “professional” documentary filmmaking, capturing testimony and interviews with controversial and sometimes shocking content. Filmmakers such as Emile de Antonio, Beryl Fox, Jean-Luc Godard, and D.A. Pennebaker used raw, controversial footage to create iconic independent documentaries whose antiwar statements of protest and civic unrest came to define the period. A section of this series is devoted to experimental films protesting the Vietnam War, including works by Paul Sharits, Stan Brakhage, and Carolee Schneemann.

The series also includes two films that address protest against the war in Iraq. In Not in Our Name, Brigitte Cornand interviews artists, including Richard Serra, Lawrence Weiner, Martha Rosler, and Leon Golub, on the eve of the Iraq war. In Julie Talen’s Sixty Cameras Against the War, raw footage independently shot by sixty protesters during the New York march against the Iraq war on February 15, 2003 is woven by Talen into a kaleidoscopic portrait of a demonstration split apart by barricades.

The film series, curated by Whitney curator Chrissie Iles and artist Sam Durant, is presented by the Whitney Museum of American Art and The Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater, Los Angeles. For Whitney tickets, call 1-877-WHITNEY. Screenings at The Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater, Los Angeles, will take place October 30-31, 2004. For tickets there, call (213) 237-2810.
Adjunct Curator of New Media Arts. Whitney Museum. To view the piece, visit http://artport.whitney.org

Whitney Museum of American Art
945 Madison Avenue at 75th Street
1 800 WHITNEY;


4. Leon Golub, Robert Longo, Yoko Ono, Elin O’Hara Slavick, FF Alumns, at White Box’s The Annex, NY, opening Oct 9, 6-8 pm

elin o’Hara slavick’s work will be included in the group exhibition NEWS FROM HOME: curated by Moniek Voulon; including artists Leon Golub, Yoko Ono, David Smithson, Robert Longo and Kim Gordon;
Opening October 9, Saturday, 6-8pm at White Box’s The Annex, 601 W. 26th St. 14th Floor;
through November 5


5. Lawrence Weiner, FF Alumn, at Bookworks, London, UK, Sept17, 7 pm


Fabienne Audeoud and John Russell
Poster and launch

Art and Language and Red Crayola

Lawrence Weiner

Friday 17 September 2004
Doors open at 7pm, programme 8pm to 10pm with a late bar

Commercial Tavern
142 Commercial Street
London E1
Nearest Tube: Liverpool Street

This is part of Infra thin Projects, curated by Mark Beasley and commissioned by Book Works.

Maria Fusco
Book Works
19 Holywell Row
London EC2A 4JB
United Kingdom
t 020 7247 2203
f 020 7247 2540
1984 – 2004: Celebrating 20 years of Book Works


6. Karen Shaw, FF Alumn, at Susan Conde Gallery, NY, opening October 2, 6-8 pm

Susan Conde Gallery is pleased to present Unraveling, Works from the 70’s to the present, by Karen Shaw, FF Alumn. The opening reception is on Saturday, October 2, from 6-8 pm and the exhibition continues through November 6, 2004. The exhibition features mixed media sculpture and collage based on the artist’s early conceptual word and number games. With materials ranging from cash register receipts and lottery tickets to acupuncture needles and athletic T-shirts, Shaw translates numbers into a visual language of words and images where once recognizable patterns are rendered incomprehensible. Shaw’s playful calculations call for the reawakening of perception.
In the early 70’s Shaw gained recognition for her “Summations” and Summantics”, a conceptual system in which letters from the alphabet are given a numerical value based on their position, such that A=1, B=2, and so on. According to this arrangement, words acquired a numerical sum and numbers equaled words. This concept allows for seemingly endless word/number combinations while in turn redefining our understanding of what these words and numbers signify.
Applying her system of Summantics to the numbers printed on athletic sports jerseys, Shaw found that she could subvert the perception of athletes and sportswear by equating irrational word combinations to them. In her current work, Shaw continues her use of the sportswear theme. Unraveling athletic shirts to where they become long, see-through gowns, the artist alters the notion of male clothing and it’s established qualities by transforming it into feminine attire.

Shaw has exhibited widely in the US and Europe. Her work is in several permanent collections including The Museum of Modern Art, New York, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, The Seagram’s Corporation, New York, and The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum, Connecticut. The artist lives and works in New York.

Susan Conde Gallery represents the work of Edward Berko, Sara Eichner, Carlos Ginzburg, Michelle Jaffé, Thomas Kovachevich, Jim Long, the Estate of Nachume Miller and Karen Shaw. The gallery is open Tuesday – Saturday from 11 am – 6 pm. For more information please visit us at www.susanconde.com or contact Susan Conde or Ryan Murphy.


7. Julie Ault, Susan Leopold, Warren Neidich, Mark Tribe, FF Alumns, at GAS, Tribeca, opening Sept 15, 6-9 pm

September 16 2004 – November 06 2004
Opening reception Wednesday, September 15th 6-9 pm
Gigantic ArtSpace [GAS] takes a small look at GIGANTICISM – oversized consumption practices; the amplifying power of the media and its exaggeration of the spectacle; a supersized consumer society; the implications of scientific inquiry; global income inequality; ever greater computing power and digital storage capabilities; and spatial and perceptual expansions on land, in water, in the atmosphere, in outer space, inner space and cyber space. An exhibition catalogue will be available.
Curated by Alice Arnold and Lea Rekow.
Participating Artists:
Andy Gensler
Chris Musgrave
Dee Hibbert-Jones
Ian Burns
Ingo Günther
Laura Kurgan
Lee Etheredge IV
Mark Tribe, Alexander Galloway, Martin Wattenberg
Martin Beck and Julie Ault
Matt Siber
Rafael Vargas-Suarez Universal
Susan Leopold
Thom Klepach
Warren Neidich

Gigantic ArtSpace [GAS]
Gallery Hours: Tues – Sat 11am – 7pm
Sunday 12pm – 6pm
Lea Rekow , director
59 Franklin St
NY NY 10013
p. 212 226 6762
f. 212 226 6505


8. Judith Sloan, FF Alumn, at New York University, Sept 22, 23, 7 pm

Franklin Furnace Alumn Judith Sloan performs with her collaborator Warren Lehrer at NYU. Free and open to the public.
Performance Celebrating NYC Immigrants Comes to NYU
Crossing the BLVD
Judith Sloan and Warren Lehrer
Crossing the BLVD: strangers, neighbors, aliens in a New America (Norton), the award-winning book by Warren Lehrer and Judith Sloan that chronicled stories, images and sounds of new immigrants and refugees in Queens, is transformed into a multi-media performance at New York University on Sept. 22 and Sept. 23 (7 p.m., Eisner and Lubin Auditorium, Kimmel Center). In the performance, Lehrer is the tour guide as Sloan transforms into dozens of Crossing the BLVD subjects who all came to the U.S. after the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, which mandated an end to discriminatory immigration policies that favored white Western Europeans. Their reflections and retellings are set against projected photographic portraits and panoramic landscapes, as well as recordings of Crossing the BLVD voices and music. Collectively, the stories, faces, and sounds form a prismatic, intimate portrait of a paradoxical and changing America. The event is hosted by NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study, where Sloan is an adjunct professor.

Wednesday, Sept. 22 and Thurs., Sept. 23, 7 p.m.
Discussion to Follow:
Thursday night moderated by Brian Lehrer of WNYC’s the Brian Lehrer Show.
Eisner and Lubin Auditorium, Kimmel Center (60 Washington Sq. South, at LaGuardia Place) New York University, NY, NY. Contact: David Neely, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, 212-998-9168


9. Ken Butler, FF Alumn, at Flux Factory, NY, Sept 25, 8 pm

Flux Factory presents:
functional art objects and music made from waste
September 10-25
Closing Party September 25th, 8pm
With musical performances by
Ken Butler’s voices of anxious objects, and Isac Zal.
Suggested $5 donation.
For more information see http://www.fluxfactory.org
Contact, Jacob@fluxfactory.org
Telephone: 917-223-3322

Ken Butler is an artist and musician whose hybrid musical instruments and performances explore the interaction and transformation of common objects, altered images, sounds and silence. His works have been featured in numerous exhibitions and performances throughout the USA, Canada, and Europe including the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam and Exit Art, Thread Waxing Space, The Kitchen, The Brooklyn Art Museum, Lincoln Center and The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

He has performed with John Zorn, Laurie Anderson, Butch Morris, The Soldier String Quartet, The Tonight Show Band, and The Master Gnawa musicans of Morocco. His CD, “Voices of Anxious Objects” is on Zorn’s Tzadik label.(mindspring/~kbhybrid.com)

Isac Zal designs and sculpts new musical instruments and music machines out of steel salvaged from junk cars. His largest work, the Harmonic Generator appeared in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Other instruments have appeared in the Sideshow gallery in Brooklyn. He performs regularly on his instruments with an ensemble throughout New York in various venues including the streets and subways.(isaczal.com)


10. Marjorie Kouns, FF Alumn, at Raven Playhouse, LA, Sept 23-24

Marjorie Kouns, FF Alumn, presents BODY AS CANVAS this Thursday and Friday, Sept 23 + 24 at Raven Playhouse, Los Angeles.

Thursday Sept 23 – 8pm
Friday Sept 24 – 10:30pm
Raven Playhouse
Los Angeles, CA
Tickets $10 – Call Gary Ziller – 323-461-0895

MARJORIE KOUNS – BODY AS CANVAS can be seen next Thursday, Sept. 23 at 8pm and Friday, Sept 24th at 10:30pm at the Raven Playhouse 5253 Lankershim Blvd. North Hollywood, Los Angeles. Tickets $10. To RSVP call Gary Ziller @ 323-461-0895.

MARJORIE KOUNS – BODY AS CANVAS, a blend of dance, music, and painting, has been part of a pilot performance series which began in Feb. 2004 at the Los Angeles Elephant Lab Theatre. Kouns recently performed Body As Canvas in NYC at the HOWL festival and Art Around the Park in August 2004.

See www.marjoriekouns.com/traveling1.html for more details including time-lapse video broadcast from both coasts. For more information: 212-254-1776 and mkkouns@rcn.com


11. Deborah Garwood, FF Alumn, reviews Lecomte du Douy

Dear Friends,
My review of the 19th c. French painter Lecomte du Nouÿ is up:
Enjoy, comments welcome.
Deborah Garwood, FF Alumn


12. Steed Taylor, FF Alumn at Ambrosino Gallery, North Miami, opens Sept 17, 6-8 pm

Steed Taylor
In Country
September 17 – October 24, 2004
Opening Reception September 17th 6:00 – 9:00pm

Ambrosino Gallery is pleased to present a show of new works by New York-based artist Steed Taylor. In this second solo show with us, Taylor uses photographs, drawings, light boxes and multilayered prints to develop a visual requiem for his childhood hometown. The son of a decorated combat soldier, Taylor’s youth was spent in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and in neighboring Fayetteville, a sleepy southern town aligned with the base for financial survival. Fort Bragg is also home to the notorious Airborne and Special Forces Units currently making headlines for excessive force in Iraq.

As an army brat growing up in the shadow of military might, Taylor’s focus on this unique environment is rife with brazen propaganda, military hardware, maps, trailer homes, antique postcards and personal landmarks. An emphasis on bright, primary colors reflects his childhood view of the American War Machine at rest; yet, this bleak landscape reflects the slippery promise of military dominance familiar from the evening news.

This show continues Taylor’s exploration into the dynamics of loss and emotional longing. In Country is military terminology for being on assignment inside a combat zone.

The show will encompass the gallery as well as the project room. Gallery hours are Monday through Saturday 11:00am – 6:00pm, or by appointment. For images or further information contact:

Ambrosino Gallery
769 NE 125th Street
North Miami, FL 33161
T (305)891-5577
F (305)891-5527


13. Babs Reingold, FF Alumn, at Artspace, Hartford, CT, Sept 24-26

I am doing an installation titled, “Baggage Light” in the show “Between Light and Dark” showing at Artspace in Hartford Connecticut, September 24-26. Thank you.

Babs Reingold, FF Alumn, Co-curator of Voyeur’s Delight at Franklin Furnace in 1996.


14. Anahi Cáceres, FF Alumn, participates in forum at www.e-naim.com.ar

NAIM Next Art International Meeting
www.e-naim.com.ar 19 hs (Argentine)
BLOQUE 1 – “La nueva expansión digital” 17 de Septiembre – conexión 19 hs
Laura Sacchetti (moderadora invitada)
Graciela Taquini
Museo Guggenheim de Venecia (Italia)
bistart NY, revista de arte
Mariela Yeregui
Magalí Pallero
Graciela Ciampini
Anahí Cáceres
Margarita Paksa
Leandro Cairola
Ana Piaggio
Mariano Sardón
Calin Man (Rumania)
Ingo Günther (Alemania)
Tobias Bünter (Rep Checa)


15. Kal Spelletich, FF Alumn, at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, CA, opens Sept 30

Opening on Thursday Sept. 30, 5:00-7:00 PM
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.
701 Mission St.
Third Street, between Mission and
Howard Streets
Musical accompaniments will be provided by Ragi da Lawyer.

An interactive piece made by 15 people in the lobby, so you can see it for FREE. There are 5 machines manipulating peoples’ work, it is very Agit-prop with hundreds of political fliers free for the taking, a smashed up disco ball, spinning neon, buttons to press, foot switches, movement sensors, EKG’s analyzing your heartbeat sending signals to identity erasures, flashing lights, a tagging machine scribbling over an individuals heart. Be sure to interact with everything! For pics and videos go to:

And, anyone who interacts with it.

We thought about: how to get apathetic people involved, art viewers and the public at large. The loss of rights, of life, culture and dissent, your identity, if you don’t get involved. The loss of your position in society by not being engaged, the erasure of certain groups, the spinning around of the electorate until they are dizzy and sick, the PARTYS OVER, propaganda, corporations taking over, electronic voting, lies and the lying liars

This is up NOW until Nov. 3 2004
Regular Gallery Hours
Thu-Sat 12-8 pm
Sun, Tue, Wed 12-5 pm

Kal Spelletich
institute for the arts , sciences and letters.
since , well, 1980!


16. Tiffany Ludwig, FF Alumn, at Jersey City Museum, opens Sept 30, 6-8 pm

A Trappings exhibition by Two Girls Working: Tiffany Ludwig and Renee Piechocki opens at the Jersey City Museum.

Women of diverse backgrounds from Jersey City, NJ gathered throughout August for informal interview sessions that asked a single question regarding power and personal identity: “what do you wear that makes you feel powerful?” This question was asked by Two Girls Working, the collaborative team of artists Tiffany Ludwig, FF Alumn, and Renee Piechocki as part of their ongoing, national project Trappings. A related exhibition of audio, print, and video Trappings: Stories of Women, Power, and Clothing, will be presented at the Jersey City Museum from September 30, 2004 – January 9, 2005. Opening reception September 30, 2004, 6-8 pm.

The artists received funding from the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation’s Artists and Communities grant to be in residence at the Jersey City Museum and conduct a series of six interview sessions in the Jersey City Community. The exhibition features three print and audio works, and three video works which present the women the artists interviewed during their residency. The audio works are experienced by calling into the museum’s phone system. 201-413-0303 ext. 130

Trappings is a national, multi-media artwork that explores the complicated landscape of power and its relationship to personal identity. The project has initiated a range of dialogues: simple descriptions of an outfit’s comfort and practicality as a tool for power, complex analysis of an individual’s movement through class and social strata, the use of sex as strategy in business and social settings, and the use of clothing as a way to connect with cultural or personal history as power sources.

The print and audio works can also be experienced on the artists’ website, www.twogirlsworking.com in the ‘current exhibitions’ section. The website also contains an archive of 180 women who have participated in the project.

Two Girls Working position themselves as assets to civic action and dialogue. Dismayed by the lack of dialogue about contemporary feminism among their peers, Two Girls Working launched Trappings in June 2001. The artists have interviewed 260 women at 35 interview sessions in 10 states. A wide range of women have come to the Trappings interview sessions, from cowgirls and community volunteers to fashion-industry executives, artists, and elected officials. Trappings sessions have been hosted by groups including: a quilting-circle, an after-school group for at-risk teenage women, a drag-king performance team, the board and staff of a YWCA, and a university mentor program.

For more information about Two Girls Working, email trappings@twogirlsworking.com. For more information about the Jersey City Museum, visit www.jerseycitymuseum.org.


17. Zlatko Kopljar, FF Alumn, represents Croatia in 26th Bienal de Sao Paulo, Brazil

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and curator Branko Franceschi, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka cordially invite you to the Croationa representation at the 26th Bienal de Sao Paulo. Zlatko Kopljar, FF Alumn’s “K9 Compassion” September 25-December 19, 2004 Pavilhao do Bienal (Ciccillo Matarazzo) Parque Ibirapuera, portao 3. www.mmsu.hr/kopljar


18. Harry Kipper, FF Alumn, at G. Horowitz Bookseller, E. Hampton, NY, opening Oct 2

Harry Kipper, FF Alumn, presents photographs at Glenn Horowitz Bookseller, 87 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY 11937, 631-324-5511, October 2 through December 1, 2004. Artist’s reception October 2, 6-8 pm.


19. Marie Sester, FF Alumn, presents Access, Paris France and online

Marie Sester, FF Alumn, presents ACCESS, featured at Villette Numerique 2004 in the Exposition “Zone de confluences”, Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris, September 21 – October 3, 2004.
To participate online go to http://www.ACCESSproject.net/
the tracking hours are as follows:
Tuesdays through Saturdays: 13:00 – 18:00 CET (GMT+2)
Tuesday September 21 until 21:00 CET (GMT+2)
Sundays: 10:00 – 19:00 CET (GMT+2)
Closed Mondays
Thursday, September 23 and 30, Friday October 1, and Saturday October 2 until 23:00 CET (GMT+2)

ACCESS is a public art installation that applies web and surveillance technologies, allowing web users to track individuals in public spaces with a unique robotic spotlight and acoustic beam system, without people wearing any gear, exploring the ambiguities among surveillance, control, visibility and celebrity. ACCESS is now a co-production with ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany.



Goings On are compiled weekly by Harley Spiller

Click http://www.franklinfurnace.org/goings_on.html
to visit ‘This Month’s World Wide Events’.
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for information
send an email to info@franklinfurnace.org
Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.
45 John Street, #611
New York, NY 10038-3706

Martha Wilson, Founding Director
Michael Katchen, Senior Archivist
Harley Spiller, Administrator
Dolores Zorreguieta, Program Coordinator