Goings On | 03/04/2024

Contents for March 04, 2024

CONTENTS (please click on the links or scroll down for complete information on each post):


1. Yoshiko Chuma, FF Alumn, at Westbeth Gallery, Manhattan, March 14
2. Dolores Zorreguieta, FF Alumn, now online at YouTube.com
3. Reginald Walker, FF Alumn, now online at visualaids.org
4. Charles Yuen, FF Alumn, at Pierogi, Brooklyn, thru April 13
5. Amy Khoshbin, Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, FF Alumns, at Cuchifritos Gallery, Manhattan, thru April 27
6. Coco Fusco, FF Alumn, now online at LatinxProject.nyu.edu
7. Patricia Miranda, FF Alumn, to curate Art in Odd Places 2024, Manhattan
8. Joseph Nechvatal, FF Alum, at La Générale, Paris, France, March 8
9. Lucio Pozzi, FF Alumn, at Museo Docesano di Vicenza, Italy, opening March 8
10. Ann P Meredith, FF Member, at Out of The Box Theatre, Manhattan, March 7
11. Suzy Lake, FF Alumn, receives 2024 College Art Association’s Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement
12. Marian Zazeela, FF Member, at Artists Space, Manhattan, thru May 11
13. Joan Jonas, FF Alumn, now online at NYTimes.com


1. Yoshiko Chuma, FF Alumn, at Westbeth Gallery, Manhattan, March 14

Yoshiko Chuma, choreographer/dancer and Director of the School of Hard Knocks and Felice Rosser, singer/musician with her band,  FaithNYC, present a performance in conjunction with the exhibition, Women on the verge, at the Westbeth Gallery, 55 Bethune Street, NYC on Thursday, March 14th from 7-8:30 pm. The group exhibition continues on view through March 23rd.  Gallery hours, Wednesday-Sunday, 1-6 pm.  


2. Dolores Zorreguieta, FF Alumn, now online at YouTube.com

Please visit this link:


Thank you.


3. Reginald Walker, FF Alumn, now online at visualaids.org

Please visit this link:


Thank you.


4. Charles Yuen, FF Alumn, at Pierogi, Brooklyn, thru April 13

Please visit this link:


Thank you.


5. Amy Khoshbin, Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, FF Alumns, at Cuchifritos Gallery, Manhattan, thru April 27

Please visit this link:


Thank you


6. Coco Fusco, FF Alumn, now online at LatinxProject.nyu.edu

Please visit this link:


Thank you.


7. Patricia Miranda, FF Alumn, to curate Art in Odd Places 2024, Manhattan

Very excited to announce that Christopher Kaczmarek and I will be the curators for Art in Odd Places 2024! The amazing event happens across 14th Street from n NYC October 18-20. Our curatorial theme is CARE. Lots more info to come! If you’re an artist, performer, collective, collaborator- we want you!

Thanks to founder and instigator Ed Woodham for inviting us.

Stay tuned for more info on the theme, the team, and the artists’ open call very soon! Put your CARE hats on and spread the word….

Art in Odd Places (AiOP) presents visual and performance art in unexpected public spaces. AiOP also produces an annual festival along 14th Street in Manhattan, NYC from Avenue C to the Hudson River each October.

Art in Odd Places aims to stretch the boundaries of communication in the public realm by presenting artworks in all disciplines outside the confines of traditional public space regulations. AiOP reminds us that public spaces function as the epicenter for diverse social interactions and the unfettered exchange of ideas.






8. Joseph Nechvatal, FF Alum, at La Générale, Paris, France, March 8

Le mariage d’Orlando et Artaud, même, an audio art installation by Joseph Nechvatal of his The Viral Tempest LP, will be staged at La Générale: Laboratoire artistique politique et social at 39 Rue Gassendi, 75014 Paris on March 8, 2024. Le mariage d’Orlando et Artaud, même uses sonic material that includes an anonymous reading of Virginia Woolf’s Orlando and Pour finir avec le jugement de dieu, Antonin Artaud’s controversial radio play. For further detail see https://www.lagenerale.fr/fr/projet/le-mariage-dorlando-et-artaud-meme.


9. Lucio Pozzi, FF Alumn, at Museo Docesano di Vicenza, Italy, opening March 8

L’istinto prima della ragione 
Instinct before reason 
Lucio Pozzi e Alberto Salvetti 
una doppia personale / a double one-person show
a cura di / curated by: Sandro Orlandi Stagi + Chiara Fanceschini

Museo Diocesano di Vicenza 
Piazza del Duomo 12 
36100 – Vicenza, Italia 
parking fuori ZTL: Park Verdi 
9 Marzo – 16 Giugno 2024 
March 9 – June 16 2024 
Inaugurazion Opening: 
8 Marzo 2024 / March 8 2024 
H: 18:00 / 6 PM 
Lucio Pozzi: 
Sono qui riuniti quadri dal 1991 al 2021, tratti da diverse famiglie di opere. Tutti contengono forme biomorfe che alludono alla natura e ai corpi, uno dei filoni della mia arte da sempre. Sono parte dell’ininterrotto ciclo di scoperte e ritorni che perseguo per cercare senza fine la libertà di creare nei mille registri che mi sorgono non programmati nel pensiero e nell’emozione. Penso che se non impongo limiti formali o tematici, gli spettatori potranno inventare il loro sguardo per mezzo della mia arte ed essere più creativi che quando le spiegazioni dell’artista o altri li regolano.

Gathered here are paintings from 1991 to 2021, taken from different families of works. They all contain biomorphic forms that allude to nature and bodies, which has always been one of the strands of my art. They are part of the uninterrupted cycle of discoveries and returns that I pursue to endlessly search for the freedom to create in the thousand registers that arise unprogrammed in my thoughts and emotions. I think that if I do not impose formal or thematic limits, viewers will be able to invent their own gaze through my art and be more creative than when the explanations of the artist or others regulate them.


10. Ann P Meredith, FF Member, at Out of The Box Theatre, Manhattan, March 7

Forgotten Angels – A Matter of Honor an award winning new theatrical project by playwright director producer Ann P Meredith
Scripted Performance Thursday March 7th 2024 7:00-9:00pm
Out of The Box Theatre, 154 Christopher Street Suite #1E, New York, New York 10014

Cast –  Aran Savory, Guneet K Singh, Delanie Ayers, Eleanor Wenker, Jessica Spector, Lisa Kelly and Savannah Wang. Produced by Swordfish Productions Pictures & Theatrical 917.806.9078 www.annpmeredith.com annpmeredith7@gmail.com

Sponsored by Open Meadows Foundation and The Nancy Dean Lesbian Playwright Award Tickets – https://ci.ovationtix.com/34781/production/1191397  


11. Suzy Lake, FF Alumn, receives 2024 College Art Association’s Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement

I am so proud to have been honoured with a 2024 Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement by the CAA in Chicago at last week’s annual conference. 

Suzy Lake


12. Marian Zazeela, FF Member, at Artists Space, Manhattan, thru May 11

Artists Space
Dream Lines: Marian Zazeela
March 1 – May 11
Opening: Friday, March 1, 6-8pm

Artists Space is pleased to present Dream Lines, an exhibition of the visionary drawings of Marian Zazeela. Beginning with her abstract calligraphy of 1962, this exhibition traces the radical processes and evolution of Zazeela’s graphic work, presenting seminal and formative drawings that became foundational in the development of her light works, many of which are being publicly displayed for the first time.

“The writhing rising out of the word is a dragon devouring itself. Like a cat cleaning her fur the tongue of the word licks its scales with flame and the body of the word ignites and takes the shape of its destruction. . . The second dream is the story of its past life, but it does not recognize itself in its previous form. Several lives later the dream recurs.Several dreams later the life recurs.”

– Marian Zazeela, The Soul of the Word, 1963

For the past sixty-three years, Zazeela has been a central figure of the New York avant-garde. Her expansive practice encompassing painting, calligraphic drawing, film, light projection, stage design, sculpture, and light environments applies rigorous formal procedures to enact states of transcendence. After studying with Paul Feeley, Eugene C. Goossen, and Tony Smith at Bennington College, Zazeela first exhibited her paintings in New York-works comprising calligraphic strokes suspended in expansive color fields-at the 92nd Street Y in 1960. Immersing herself in a Downtown literary and art scene that included LeRoi Jones, A. B. Spellman, Angus MacLise, George Maciunas, and many others, she soon became the muse of legendary filmmaker Jack Smith, collaborating on his seminal photography project The Beautiful Book (1962) and his infamous debut film, Flaming Creatures (1963).

In 1962, Zazeela produced a series of highly singular drawings that charted the course of her subsequent work: “Through my interest in abstract calligraphy I conceived the idea of borrowing from the forms of letters by taking elemental shapes already existing in cursive writing and manipulating them to create interlocking patterns.” Employing both improvisation and an increasing array of rigorous compositional techniques, Zazeela’s ornamental shapes render the page a concentrated visual field of startlingly complex design. She soon began to obliterate words, repeat and mirror letter forms (often the initials MZ and LY, those of her partner, La Monte Young), and enact complex modular permutations as some of the means to achieve her exquisite, precise abstractions.

Zazeela began her partnership with composer La Monte Young in mid-1962 and since then her work has most often been experienced within their collaboration. Her light installations, projections, album art, graphics, and poster designs have defined the visual and environmental aspects of their output-first within the early New York Downtown avant-garde underground, The Theatre of Eternal Music (alongside John Cale, Tony Conrad, Angus MacLise, and others), and continuing with Young to the present. Zazeela has defined one strain of her output as “borderline art.” a concept with a double meaning: “With this approach I sought to create an art form that ‘borders’ and challenges the conventional distinction between decorative and fine art by using decorative elements in the fine art tradition. Concurrently, I also created drawings in which borders become the actual content of the works themselves.” Zazeela and Young have lived since 1963 at 275 Church Street in New York, two blocks from Artists Space, and since 1993 their collaborative Dream House has been on continuous view at this address.

Dream Lines offers an unprecedented opportunity to see an extensive gathering of

Zazeela’s drawing innovations-from her earliest calligraphic experiments and language deconstructions to glyph-based modular permutations, to later name portraits employing symmetrical, retrograde and mirror-inverted images that detach the written word from its meaning, to still-later fields of dense collinear dots evoking electromagnetic forces and other natural phenomena.

Dream Lines: Marian Zazeela is organized by Artists Space in collaboration with Jung Hee Choi and MELA Foundation.


Artists Space is fully accessible via a wheelchair lift and automated door in front of the entrance on 80 White Street. The cellar gallery can be accessed via the ground floor elevator. Artists Space welcomes assistance dogs, and has wheelchair accessible non-gender-segregated toilet facilities. If you have any further questions about access please email info@artistsspace.org.


Exhibition support for Dream Lines: Marian Zazeela is provided by Stephen Cheng and an Anonymous Donor.

Support for Artists Space’s exhibitions and programs is provided by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Lambent Foundation Fund of Tides Foundation, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, I.A. O’Shaughnessy Foundation, The Helen Frankenthaler Foundation, The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, The New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature, The Cowles Charitable Trust, May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, and the Herman Goldman Foundation.

Artists Space | 11 Cortlandt Alley, New York, NY 10013


13. Joan Jonas, FF Alumn, now online at NYTimes.com

Please visit this link:


Thank you.


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Goings On is compiled weekly by J-Lynn Rose Torres, FF Intern, Winter 2024

