Goings On | 07/31/2023

Contents for July 31, 2023

CONTENTS (please click on the links or scroll down for complete information on each post):


1. Josely Carvalho, FF Alumn, receives Lee Krasner Award for Life Achievement 2022-24

2. Alice Wu, FF Alumn, at Your Mood Gallery, San Francisco, CA, opening Aug. 5

3. Dusty Grella, FF Alumn, now online at NYTimes.com

4. Joe Lewis, FF Alumn, awarded California Arts Council’s Legacy Individual Artist Fellowship

5. Linda Sibio, Cracked Eggs, FF Alumns, at Berserk Productions, Yucca Valley, CA, August 2

6. Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, FF Alumn, at Wave Hill, The Bronx, Aug. 6

7. Verónica Peña, FF Alumn, RASP: Rockella Artist Studio Program, Ridgewood, NY, August 3, and more

8. The Dark Bob, Barbara T. Smith, FF Alumns, now online at youtube.com

9. Lucio Pozzi, FF Alumn, at Sabine Wachters Fine Arts, Knokke, Belgium, opening August 4

10. Agnes Denes, FF Alumn, at The Hayward Gallery, London, UK, thru Sept. 3, and more

11. James Johnson, FF Alumn, at RULE Gallery, Marfa, TX, thru Sept. 23

12. Paul Zelevansky, FF Alumn, now online at GreatBlankness.com


1. Josely Carvalho, FF Alumn, receives Lee Krasner Award for Life Achievement 2022-24.

I am extremely happy to let you know that I have been awarded the international Lee Krasner Award for the second year in recognition of a lifetime of artistic achievement. It is an honor for me to have my name attached to the artist Lee Krasner, an independent painter, a feminist in her own time that in 1979 after receiving from the Women’s Caucus for Art, the Outstanding Achievement in the Visual Arts award, she thanked by saying: “The belated recognition I have recently received is largely due to consciousness-raising by feminist movement, which I consider the major revolution of our time. Thank you.”  

Lee Krasner was an artist committed to fostering the work of the next generations of women artists. Through her generosity, the Pollock-Krasner foundation was established in 1985 to provide financial resources to individual international visual artists. 

#PollockKrasnerFoundation #PKF #PKFGrantee #LeeKrasner #VisualArtists #MuseuHistóricoNacional #RiodeJaneiro #InstallationArt #SmellArt #JoselyCarvalho #OlfactoryArt

Josely Carvalho

Thank you.


2. Alice Wu, FF Alumn, at Your Mood Gallery, San Francisco, CA, opening Aug. 5

Dear friends,

I am debuting a pocket-sized performance installation!

Please join me on Saturday August 5, 6-8pm at Your Mood Gallery.

I’ll be presenting a A Proper Monkey, provoked by the writings of Robert Walser. Do not think of this as a faithful representation of the text; rather, I was pleased to have discovered a range of visuals to illustrate my concerns around self-portraiture, representation, translation, labor, and the performance of everyday life. Also on my mind: family, fashion, aging, and expectations of respectable behavior. 


A group exhibition curated by Selby Sohn

Opening reception on August 5 and by appointment through August 26, 2023

Your Mood Gallery, Noonan Building, Pier 70, San Francisco, CA 94111


The performance on Saturday August 5 will be participatory. I will be taking dictation from you. 

I’d love to see you! Can’t make it? Let’s make a date! Alice

Thank you.


3. Dusty Grella, FF Alumn, now online at NYTimes.com

Please visit this link:


Thank you.


4. Joe Lewis, FF Alumn, awarded California Arts Council’s Legacy Individual Artist Fellowship

I’m Thrilled to announce that I’ve been awarded the Legacy Individual Artist Fellowship from the California Arts Council! It’s an honor and privilege to receive this recognition and association with these amazing awardees – including many friends here in SoCal. This program offers unrestricted awards to artists working in all disciplines. I’m proud to live in a state that sees artists as worthy of investment, and to be a member of the Fellowship class of 2023.

See a complete list of awardees here:


Joe Lewis

Thank you.


5. Linda Sibio, Cracked Eggs, FF Alumns, at Berserk Productions, Yucca Valley, CA, August 2


We are very excited to announce an upcoming exhibition of our most recent round of Cracked Eggs. We have been working locally in Yucca Valley with an amazing group of participants. Please join us to celebrate their accomplishments this coming Wednesday from 1-3pm. Light refreshments will be provided. 

The exhibition will take place at our main office behind Unity Home Thrift near the intersection of Church St and Twentynine Palms HWY. We have accessible parking and restroom facilities.

Berserk Productions

56300 29 Palms Hwy., Ste. 118

Yucca Valley CA 92284

Linda Sibio and the Cracked Eggs Team

Thank you.


6. Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, FF Alumn, at Wave Hill, The Bronx, Aug. 6

Living Her-Stories of Sugar at Wavehill, Sunday, August 6th, 3-4pm .

Free with Admission to the grounds.


Armor Hall

4900 Independence Ave

Bronx, NY 10471


“Living Her-Stories of Sugar” at Wave Hill, Aug 6, 2023


Living Her-Stories of Sugar was commissioned by Wave Hill on the occasion of the exhibition This Place We Once Remembered.

Thank you & hope to see you soon!


Thank you.


7. Verónica Peña, FF Alumn, at RASP: Rockella Artist Studio Program, Ridgewood, NY, August 3, and more

RASP: Rockella Artist Studio Program

Artist talk: August 3, 6-9pm

Open studios: August 20, 1-4pm

One Eyed Studios, 1639 Centre St, Ridgewood, NY 11385

Please join us in the common area of One Eyed Studios to learn more about the RASP selected artists and their practices. Each artist will introduce their work and give the public an opportunity to converse over beverages.

Selected Artists:

@calum_craik_: https://www.instagram.com/calum_craik_/?hl=en

@ghost.cow: https://www.instagram.com/ghost.cow/?hl=en

@avijithalder: https://www.instagram.com/avijithalder/?hl=en

@lola.m.lefrancois: https://www.instagram.com/lola.m.lefrancois/?hl=en

@katya_muromtseva: https://www.instagram.com/katya_muromtseva/?hl=en

@veronica.pena.live.art: https://www.instagram.com/veronica.pena.live.art/?hl=en

@fourbyfouriiii: https://www.instagram.com/fourbyfouriiii/?hl=en

@shuai.yang.studio: https://www.instagram.com/shuai.yang.studio/?hl=en

For additional information visit:



Verónica Peña (US/Spain) is an interdisciplinary artist, curator, and international-community advocate. Her work explores absence, separation, and the search for harmony through Performance Art. Her performance installations combine underwater submersion, visual metamorphosis, and participation to address global issues of migration, cross-cultural dialogue, peaceful resistance, empathy, and women’s empowerment. Peña performs/exhibits primarily in Europe and America. In America: Museo Ex Teresa (ZonaMACO, Mexico City, 2022), SatelliteArt Fair (Miami Art Week, 2021), ChaShaMa (NYC, 2021), Grace Exhibition Space (NYC, 2021), Franklin Furnace (NYC, 2021), NARS Foundation (Artist-In-Residence, 2021), Coaxial Arts Foundation (LA, 2021), Pioneer Works (2020-canceled due to Covid-19), Smack MellonFoundation, Triskelion Arts, Hemispheric Institute, Queens Museum, SAIC (Visiting Artist), Times Square, Armory Show, Defibrillator Performance Gallery, Momenta Art Gallery, Dumbo Arts Festival, Consulate of Spain in NY, among others. Europe: Fundación Bilbaoarte (Bilbao, 2021), Museo La NeomudéJar (Madrid, 2019), Friche La Belle De Mai (Marseille, 2018), Festival Intramurs (Valencia, 2018), Zaratan Arte Contemporáneo (Lisbon, 2017), among others. She was selected for the Creative Capital NYC Taller 2020, received a FCA Grant 2022, and a Franklin Furnace Fund 2018, among others. She published “The Presence Of The Absent”, was reviewed by Donald Kuspit, and on Hyperallergic. She leads Performance Art Open Call, a +24,000 member FB Community. Peña received an MFA from Stony Brook University. 


@veronica.pena.live.art: https://www.instagram.com/veronica.pena.live.art/

Thank you.


8. The Dark Bob, Barbara T. Smith, FF Alumns, now online at youtube.com

Here’s a video of The Dark Bob’s performance to celebrate Barbara’s 92nd Birthday at the Getty Museum on July 8.

That’s a-What I’m a-Gonna DO (for Barbara T. Smith) 

A performance by The Dark Bob


Thank you.


9. Lucio Pozzi, FF Alumn, at Sabine Wachters Fine Arts, Knokke, Belgium, opening August 4

Sabine Wachters Fine Arts 


Knokke, Belgium.

My paintings on paper from the Scatter Group are included in the group show starting August 4, 2023.  

Lucio Pozzi

Thank you.


10. Agnes Denes, FF Alumn, at The Hayward Gallery, London, UK, thru Sept. 3, and more

Agnes Denes

Dear Earth: Art in a Time of Crisis 

The Hayward Gallery, London 

Through September 3, 2023

Schema: World as Diagram

Marlborough Gallery, New York

Through August 15, 2023

Adaptation: A ReConnected Earth

Museum of Contemporary Art and Design, Manila, Philippines

through – August 27, 2023

Agnes Denes: Eco-logic – philosophy in the landscape

acb Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

through August 4, 2023

Chaleur Humaine

Triennale Art & Industrie

Frac Grand Large – Hauts-de-France

Dunkirk, France

through January 14, 2024

Groundswell: Women of Land Art

Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, TX

September 23, 2023 – January 7, 2024

LESLIE TONKONOW Artworks + Projects

401 Broadway, Suite 411

New York, NY 10013

T. 212 255 8450 



Thank you.


11. James Johnson, FF Alumn, at RULE Gallery, Marfa, TX, thru Sept. 23

Happy to be showing two recent drawings at the RULE Gallery in Marfa, Texas this month.  Stop by if you’re in the area.


And stay cool!


Thank you.


12. Paul Zelevansky, FF Alumn, now online at GreatBlankness.com

To the Great Blankness

Mailing List:

“I’m on top of the world,

Looking down on creation,

and the only explanation I can find.

Is the love that I’ve found

ever since you’ve been around…”

(“Top of the World,” Carpenter/Bettis, 1972)


Full Set:


PZ, 7/30/2023

Thank you.


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After email versions are sent, Goings On announcements are posted online at https://franklinfurnace.org/goings-on/goingson/

Goings On is compiled weekly by Kate Liu, FF Intern, Summer 2023

